George Wheaton 50m BBB Handicap – Qualifiers

The qualifiers for the George Wheaton 50m BBB Handicap Trophy Event to be decided by two semi-finals followed by a final on 21 November 2020 are as follows:

1502Lincoln VAN LOOBreaststroke
1596Lois WALLERBackstroke
1603Felix SHARPBreaststroke
1504Noah HALEBreaststroke
128Gerry TIBBERTSMABackstroke
1506Nathan HALEBreaststroke
111Phil HAYWARDButterfly
1115Marcus SVOBODABackstroke
1597Sarah WALLERButterfly
112Joshua HAYWARDButterfly

Week 5: Heats for the George Wheaton Memorial BBB Trophy

The Wheaton Family presenting the George Wheaton Memorial BBB Trophy a few years back

This Saturday is your opportunity to contest one of the most highly-prized trophies of the season – the George Wheaton 50m “BBB” Handicap!

BBB is short for Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly.  It’s a unique event in which competitors race each other with different “B” strokes in the same race on handicap.  So  a swimmer in one lane may swim Butterfly, another Breaststroke and a third Backstroke!

The BBB heats will be raced after the 50m Freestyle sprint.

To seed the event, we need to know which “B” stroke you will swim this Saturday.  You must have already completed a 50m Time Trial for your chosen stroke, so if you’re new to the Club this season, choose a stroke for which you’ve already set a time.

Please select your chosen stroke (50m Breaststroke, Backstroke or Butterfly) by completing the form at the end of this link –

(If you forget to complete the form in advance there will still be an opportunity to nominate your stroke on Saturday morning).

Following the BBB, our long distance swim will be 400m Freestyle. To qualify for the 400m race, you must have a current 200m time less than 200 seconds (3m 20s). We have 200m, 4x30m and 4x20m Freestyle options for other swimmers.

Note the final for the BBB will be held on Saturday the 21st of November 2020.

Pool lift

The lifeguards have asked that junior swimmers please refrain from playing in and around the newly installed lift. Could you please pass this message on to your squids.

New Club Captains – Rose Tunstall and Tadhg Donnellan

Congratulations to our new Club Captains Rose Tunstall and Tadhg Donnellan.

Both Rose and Tadhg employed new campaigning methods for swim club elections. Given that the elections for male and female captains were both extremely close these innovations turned out to be effective enough for each to secure their important roles.

Rose broke all campaign finance and expenditure records spending up big on “Vote for Rosie” posters and Tadhg employed a full time campaign manager in the form of Xiomara van Schaik (who elected not to swim on Saturday to concentrate on ensuring that her candidate got up). Xiomara clearly has a big future ahead of her as a numbers person in politics.

We look forward to big things from both our new Captains this season.

A huge thanks to Cara Parker and Joseph Colley who both served two terms as Captains.

Week 4: The Start of Trophy Season

This week swim club starts to get a little bit more serious with with the heats for the first trophy of the season – the Geoff Roper 200m Freestyle Handicap trophy.

Last year’s winner was one of our fastest swimmers in Andrew Sharpe but, as with any handicap race, the winner could be anyone. Junior swimmers who are improving quickly have an especially good shot at taking home this silverware.

Our races this week are:

George Wheaton BBB entries

Next week we will be holding heats for our 2nd trophy race of the season – the wonderful George Wheaton BBB handicap race.

BBB is short for Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly.  It’s a unique event in which competitors race each other with different “B” strokes in the same race on handicap.  So  a swimmer in one lane may swim Butterfly, another Breaststroke and a third Backstroke!

To seed the event, we need to know which “B” stroke you will swim.  You must have already completed a 50m Time Trial for your chosen stroke, so if you’re new to the Club this season, choose a stroke for which you’ve already set a time.

To nominate your B-stroke please complete the form at the end of this link –

Best of luck to our HSC students

The HSC is upon us and a number of our swimmers are now sitting their exams. Best of luck to them all!

Club Captain Nominations – Last Chance!

Thanks to the following people who have nominated to stand as Club Captains this season:


  • Cara Parker
  • Hannah Svoboda
  • Rosie Tunstall


  • Joseph Colley
  • Matthew Svoboda
  • Tadhg Donnellan

We’ll be holding election for male and female Club Captains this coming Saturday 24 October 2020.

If you didn’t get a chance to nominate but would still like to do so, please feel free to drop Adrian Bell a message by email or phone 0424 561 831.

Final nominations will close 7:00am on Saturday the 24th October 2020.

Club Captains are a fundamental part of the Club and valued by all members.

The key responsibilities of the Club Captains include:

Attendance – Regular attendance every Saturday.
Assistance – Regularly assists to help run races very Saturday morning. Arrives on time to help set up and stays to help pack up.
Role model – Acts responsibly and is a role model for all DSC Juniors.
Battle on the Bay (BOB) – Assists in all facets of BOB including organising juniors in their heats and relays. Masters of the cheerleading.

Thanks very much to Cara Parker and Joseph Colley who were our Club Captains for last season.

COVID-Safety at Swim Club

Happily COVID-19 case numbers in NSW continue to remain low and certain restrictions continue to be lifted. Group booking limits at restaurants, for example, are due to increase from 10 to 30 as of 23 October 2020. This bodes well for the club holding our annual men’s and women’s social nights in the not too distant future.

Restrictions at the pool however continue to remain in force per our COVID Safety Plan.

Until further guidance is issued by the NSW Government and Swimming NSW we’ll need to continue with our revised marshalling arrangements, the use of sanitiser, minimising spectators to parents and / or caregivers (ensuring that all spectators are registered via Team App) and most importantly social distancing in the stand. The most recent advice from the NSW CHO is:

“More than one parent may now attend community sporting activities if physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can be maintained between people that are not from the same household.”

Dr Kerry Chant, Chief Health Officer NSW Ministry of Health​

Pool management are generally happy with the way we have managed our activities so far this season. The only negative comments we’ve had are about social distancing.

By way of an example of what might happen if pool management and/or Council want to crack down on swimming related activities we only need to look as far as the City of Sydney. As can be seen in this Sydney Morning Herald article a totally different approach to COVID-Safety has been adopted at City of Sydney pools. Interestingly these pools are, like Drummoyne Pool, managed by Belgravia Leisure.

So, per our COVID-Safety plan let’s ensure that we maintain appropriate social distancing of 1.5m or more between family groups.

The Club’s COVID Safety Plan has been published to our website here. In a nutshell our COVID-Safety Plan is:

Have fun, but… be safe and protect others! Arrive ready to swim; Register your attendance using Team App (swimmers and spectators); Get in, Swim, Get out; Follow social distancing rules; Sanitise and wash your hands; Minimise use of the amenities; Don’t share equipment, food or drinks and Go home when you’re done.

Find us on Team App

Please don’t come to swimming if you’re sick or if you’ve been to a designated hot spot within the timelines shown in the NSW Govt. guidelines.

For more information, please read the Club’s COVID Safety Plan.

FREE Club T-Shirt for first 50 Junior Members thanks to Inspirations Paint!

Registrations are now officially open for season 2020/2021.

Thanks to our new sponsor Inspirations Paint Five Dock, a free club tee shirt will be provided to the first 50 junior (U16 and below) members who join up!

Members can join the Club or renew their membership at the Swimming NSW Swim Central portal:

NSW Active Kids vouchers can now be redeemed online in the registration process.

More information and instructions can be found on the Club’s Fees and Registration page.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact our Club Registrar, Michael Donnellan on or mobile 0422 453 322.

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