Relay Event Results – Battle on the Bay 2010

The results of the Battle on the Bay by relay event are set out below.

Event 57 Mixed 6 & Under 80 LC Meter Freestyle Relay

Position Team Time
1 All Clubs – Mixed 2:18.13
1) Connor Egelton M5 2) Nathan Gooley M6
3) Joe Manning M6 4) Max Pearce M6
2 Drummoyne Swimming Club 2:29.75
1) Jack Corbett M6 2) Rachel Lyon W6
3) Kellen Parker M4 4) Lucas Taylor M3
3 All Clubs – Mixed ‘B’ 3:30.07
1) Ben Heaslip M6 2) Alexander King Orsborn M4
3) Max Churchyard M5 4) Alice Pride W6
4 Leichhardt Swimming Club 3:40.88
1) Adam Hartill M6 2) Gabriel Mackie M6
3) Zara Mackie W4 4) Charlie Reynolds M6

Event 58 Mixed 7-8 120 LC Meter Freestyle Relay

Position Team Time
1 Drummoyne Swimming Club 1:53.54
1) Lachlan Matthews M8 2) John Mentzines M7
3) Jarrah Ronan M6 4) Christian Taylor M7
2 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘D’ 1:58.63
1) Billie Heaslip W8 2) Leon Rebecchi M7
3) Georgina Moir W8 4) Rejheki Bone W7
3 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘C’ 2:15.32
1) Ruby Eason W7 2) Claudia Hay W7
3) Sarah Lyon W8 4) Joseph Marshall M7
4 All Clubs – Mixed 2:16.06
1) Daniel Adamski M7 2) Reily Large M8
3) Joel Smith M7 4) Gemma Gow W8
5 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘C’ 2:20.29
1) Ashley King Orsborn W8 2) Aaron Hawkes M8
3) Nicole Kalaitzakis W8 4) Jack Reynolds M8
6 All Clubs – Mixed ‘B’ 2:31.17
1) Harry Churchyard M7 2) Holly Gray W8
3) Megan Miranda W7 4) Nicole Robertson W8
7 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:34.59
1) Nicholas Corbett M7 2) Lucy Egelton W8
3) Cara Parker W7 4) Elliot O’Connor M7
8 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:36.62
1) Tara Scutella W8 2) Sabrina McKindlay W7
3) Halle Mitchell W7 4) Elliot Podmore M7
9 Leichhardt Swimming Club 2:44.45
1) Ella Asnicar W7 2) Cristina Pagano W8
3) Zachary Mackie M8 4) Ben Heaslip M6

Event 59 Mixed 9-10 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay

Position Team Time
1 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘D’ 2:34.65
1) Sari Bone W10 2) Jason Hartill M10
3) Zanzi Hocknell W10 4) Eric Rodriguez M10
2 Drummoyne Swimming Club 2:37.50
1) Daniel Corbett M10 2) Bronson Ronan M9
3) Ethan Parker M9 4) William Taylor M10
3 Balmain Swimming Club 2:53.17
1) Liam Adamski M10 2) Lilly Manning W9
3) Emma Meyer W10 4) Oscar Ryan M10
4 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:56.00
1) Annabelle Mentzines W9 2) Alice Patterson W10
3) Rachel Tibbertsma W10 4) Elise Gooley W9
5 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘C’ 3:06.05
1) Connor Shearman M9 2) Maddison Tilyard W10
3) Sophie Hay W9 4) Lauren Lyon W10
6 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘C’ 3:09.64
1) Ana-Elisa Wingrave W9 2) James Scutella M9
3) Bill Gallo M9 4) Madison Dunne W10
7 Enfield Swimming Club 3:19.96
1) Jacob Gadiel M9 2) Lachlan Heather M9
3) James Miranda M10 4) Megan Miranda W7
8 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘D’ 3:28.37
1) Alex Chambers M10 2) Molly Eason W9
3) Bronte Marshall W10 4) Nicola Cook W10
9 Enfield Swimming Club ‘B’ 3:30.00
1) Samantha Gregory W9 2) Karli Musarra W9
3) Jessica Robertson W10 4) Nicole Robertson W8
10 Leichhardt Swimming Club 3:31.52
1) Daniella Pagano W10 2) Luke Asnicar M9
3) Jessie Whipp W9 4) Olivia Carbone W10
11 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘B’ 3:35.00
1) Xanthe Young W10 2) Sarah Blaydon W10
3) Angela Kalaitzakis W10 4) Emma Leppard W9
12 All Clubs – Mixed 3:37.33
1) Ella Barnett W10 2) Oscar Hoy M9
3) Harry Pride M9 4) Kirrali Schofield W9

Event 60 Mixed 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay

Position Team Time
1 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘C’ 2:12.58
1) Carl Rodriguez M11 2) Rory Hocknell M12
3) Lucy Mckindlay W11 4) Monique Rae W11
2 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:28.13
1) Shania Mitchell W11 2) Gabrielle Rebecchi W11
3) Marco Gallo M11 4) Lizzie Carbone W12
3 Drummoyne Swimming Club 2:29.62
1) Daniel Tilyard M12 2) James Hayward M12
3) Harry Gilkes M10 4) Eliza Cook W12
4 Leichhardt Swimming Club 2:30.71
1) Jayden Schofield M11 2) Hannah Hawkes W12
3) Luke Schofield M11 4) Daniel Heaslip M11
5 Balmain Swimming Club 2:42.06
1) Genevieve Geehan W12 2) Olivia Geehan W12
3) Noah Landels M11 4) Milo Ryan M12
6 Cabarita Swimming Club 2:55.27
1) Ned Churchyard M11 2) Sarah Churchyard W12
3) Nicholas Gray M12 4) Tara Hoy W11
7 All Clubs – Mixed 3:03.85
1) Tara Cameron W11 2) Alivia Pagano W12
3) Phoebe Pride W11 4) Holly Barnett W11
8 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘D’ 3:07.14
1) Taylor Blaydon W12 2) Georgia Spence W11
3) Mia Whipp W12 4) Adaita Young W11

Event 61 Mixed 13-14 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay

Position Team Time
1 Drummoyne Swimming Club 2:09.70
1) Lucinda Gilkes W14 2) Matthew Ellis M13
3) Emily Gilkes W12 4) Louis Johansson M13
2 Leichhardt Swimming Club 2:10.72
1) Sarah Wilcoxson W14 2) Rennee Dunne W14
3) Daniela Wingrave W14 4) Lucy Durland W14
3 All Clubs – Mixed 2:25.12
1) Annabel Heron W13 2) Emily Holst W13
3) Callum Fogarty M14 4) Angus Jones M14
4 Balmain Swimming Club 2:33.12
1) Edward Cook M13 2) Laura Meyer W13
3) Leon Pateman M13 4) Cal Power M14
5 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:35.44
1) Kirk Calladine M11 2) Simone Gooley W13
3) Nicola Cook W10 4) Ruby McFarlane W14

Event 63 Mixed 17 & Over 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay

Position Team Time
1 Drummoyne Swimming Club 1:57.39
1) Anthony Dimento M25 2) Georgia McFarlane W17
3) James Simmons M36 4) Luke Hayward M15
2 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘C’ 1:58.55
1) Vincent Laws M17 2) Hari Bancroft W17
3) Glen Schofield M47 4) Angus McKindlay M13
3 Balmain Swimming Club ‘C’ 2:08.93
1) Bronwyn Smith W35 2) Robert Large M46
3) Richard Landels M44 4) William Cook M16
4 Leichhardt Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:16.43
1) Simon Whipp M43 2) John Hartill M46
3) Brad Scutella M48 4) Stephanie Parinetto W15
5 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘C’ 2:23.32
1) Joel Dimento M22 2) Matthew O’Connor M45
3) Paul Calladine M50 4) Kate Ellis W15
6 Enfield Swimming Club 2:24.74
1) Ken Miranda M48 2) Michael Musarra M39
3) Andrew Pearce M40 4) Josh Hilliard M20
7 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘D’ 2:27.27
1) Cameron Fraser M17 2) Mark Ronan M48
3) David Ellis M51 4) Brett Gooley M59
8 Balmain Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:28.76
1) Paul Gehan M55 2) Stuart Walker M48
3) Peter Adamski M50 4) Ned Manning M59
9 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘G’ 2:35.18
1) Bob Chambers M53 2) Klas Johansson M46
3) Paul O’Connor M46 4) Fiona Taylor W46
10 Enfield Swimming Club ‘B’ 2:39.72
1) Dianne Heather W48 2) Ann-Marie Miranda W46
3) Kerry West W45 4) Robyn Johansson W50
11 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘E’ 2:41.01
1) Paul Cook M30 2) Duncan Lyon M47
3) Gerry Tibbertsma M48 4) David Parker M47
12 Balmain Swimming Club 2:41.50
1) Amber-Rose Bailey W15 2) Louise Howard W46
3) Caoife Power W16 4) Julia Cowan W15
13 Leichhardt Swimming Club 2:49.93
1) Anne-Marie Whelan W55 2) Carolyn Loton W45
3) Adrian Leppard M45 4) Danielle Woolley W42
14 Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘F’ 2:57.53
1) Rosa Di Santo W40 2) Micheal Corbett M48
3) 4) Nicola Griffin W44
15 Balmain Swimming Club ‘D’ 3:07.52
1) Alan Pateman M56 2) Suzanne Cook W47
3) Carolyn Allen W65 4) Jacquie Stratford W57
Drummoyne Swimming Club ‘B’ DNF
1) Frances Christodoulou W18 2) Doug McFarlane M50
3) Tim Hay M40 4) John Taylor M48

Event 64 Men 500 LC Meter Freestyle 10 x 50m Relay

Position Team Time
1 Leichhardt Swimming Club 5:09.76
1) Hari Bancroft 17 2) Vincent Laws 17
3) Angus McKindlay 13 4) Daniela Wingrave 14
5) Monique Rae 11 6) Glen Schofield 47
7) Lucy Mckindlay 11 8) Rennee Dunne 14
2 Drummoyne Swimming Club 5:17.55
1) Louis Johansson 13 2) Matthew Ellis 13
3) Emily Gilkes 12 4) Georgia McFarlane 17
5) Doug McFarlane 50 6) Luke Hayward 15
7) Daniel Tilyard 12 8) Lucinda Gilkes 14
3 Balmain Swimming Club 5:52.83
1) Bronwyn Smith W35 2) Robert Large M46
3) Richard Landels M44 4) William Cook M16
5) Paul Gehan M55 6) Stuart Walker M48
7) Edward Cook M13 8) Louise Howard W46
4 Cabarita Swimming Club 7:22.92
1) Phoebe Pride 11 2) Tara Hoy 11
3) Emily Holst 13 4) Annabel Heron 13
5) Nicholas Gray 12 6) Sarah Churchyard 12
7) Ned Churchyard 11 8) Tara Cameron 11
5 Enfield Swimming Club 8:07.43
1) Jacob Gadiel M9 2) Samantha Gregory W9
3) Lachlan Heather M9 4) James Miranda M10
5) Megan Miranda W7 6) Karli Musarra W9
7) Andrew Pearce M40 8) Jessica Robertson W10

2010 Battle on the Bay Swimming Carnival

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