History of Drummoyne Swimming Club – First 100 Years

Drummoyne Amateur Swimming Club (DASC) Until 2000

Year Events
1902 Drummoyne Pool built at a cost of 3000 pounds – cut from solid rock. The site is on crown land under trusteeship of Drummoyne Council.
  • Drummoyne Swimming Club formed 1904. Only known proof provided by Minutes of Club meeting 8/2/1971, signed by Bill Gallie, state that Moss Christie has 23rd Annual Carnival Programme dated 1927.
  • Club begins with mid week swimming races.
  • Major extensions.
  • Moss Christie joins DASC at age 13 and went on to win 30 club championships.
1924 DASC member Moss Christie represents Australia at the 1924 Paris Olympics in the individual freestyle 440 yard, 880 yard and mile events. Combining with Boy Charlton, Ernest Henry and Frank Beaurepaire, the Australians won silver in 4 x 200 yard relay, conducted in the River Seine.
1925 Bill Gallie wins Australian breast stroke championship when member of Balmain Swimming Club. He went on to become a DASC stalwart for over 20 years from 1963.
1937 First Pool Manager appointed.
1938 Council conference specifies men’s trunks must have skirts and extend two inches below fork of inside leg. (Editor’s Note – no mention made of how this rule was to be enforced!).
1939-1945 Harrie Hannaford and his 16 year old son Jack kept club going in war years. At one stage, young Jack was Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Harry Gallagher coaching at Drummoyne, then moved to Adelaide.
  • DASC were district champions in 1948.
  • In 1950, pool flooded by storm and Harry Gallagher’s “Golden Dolphins” squad trained at Elkington Baths, Balmain where Harry noticed a 14 year old Dawn Fraser swimming. Dawn was reluctant to join “crummy Drummy” but joined the squad and rode her bike to Drummoyne where she joined Jon Henricks in training. Elkington was later renamed “Dawn Fraser Pool”.
1952 Pool management leased.
1953 Renovations when southern wall (facing Iron Cove) collapsed.
  • Harry Gallagher letter to Council advises 300 club members plus 1 World and 9 Australian records at State Titles.
  • Harry’s book “Memories of a Fox” has a photograph of his squad at Drummoyne including Dawn Fraser, Jon Henricks and Geoff Shipton.
  • Pool lengthened to 55 yards
  • Carnival with Jon Henricks, Murray Rose, Jon Devitt and Terry Gathercole
  • Filtration plant installed.
  • Death of Mr Alexander Graff aged 77 years, ex President DASC and also Mayor of Drummoyne.
1955-60 Forbes Carlile coaching Geoff Shipton, Terry Gathercole and Warren Barr at Drummoyne.
1961-63 Pool remodeled to Olympic size and standard – cost $96,000.
1958 Club continues to do well at State and National championships.
1959 Drummoyne ASC wins State 4×100 F/S championship with team of Russell Ball, Warren Barr, Edward Kendall and Geoff Shipton.
1960 New brick entry and office building.
  • Mens and Womens clubs combined into Drummoyne Amateur Swimming Club (DASC).
  • Club member Jan Murphy represents Australia at 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
  • Pool length changed to 50 metres and lanes increased from 6 to 7.
  • Membership fees one pound for senior members ie over 16 years.
  • Water Polo players allowed affiliation with DASC.
  • Senior Office Bearers admitted free to pool when on Club business.
  • John Bennett breaks World record for 800m freestyle at Drummoyne Pool.
  • Council gives DASC exclusive use of pool from 7.30 to 10.30am Saturday.
  • Club Captain elected by members on race day, from 4 boys and 4 girls nominated by committee.
  • Club records re-started, recognising that those set by Olympians during Drummoyne’s “golden 50’s” were unlikely to be broken.
  • Club’s 800m championship required six heats!
  • Rules relaxed so swimmers had 2 weeks grace at start of season to pay membership fees.
  • Constitution altered to read “words of masculine gender shall include the feminine”.
  • Mrs Norma Geribo listed as timekeeper.
  • Membership 300 with 119 under 10, 85 under 12, 49 under 14, 23 under 16 and 12 seniors. (Editor’s note – balance of 12 assumed to be office bearers).
  • Senior membership fees kept at $2 per season despite NSWASA capitation rising from 30 to 50 cents.
  • Water Polo players formally amalgamate with swimming club.
  • 32 club records beaten.
  • Club pays plane fare of $24.60 for Miss K. Graham to compete in Australian 100 metres butterfly championship in Brisbane.
  • Junior members must produce birth certificates before competing.
  • Prize money set at 5 cents per point plus Championships of $1.50, $1.00 and 50 cents for top 3.
  • Winner gets 4 points then 3, 2 and 1 for next 3, if 5 or more starters. If 4 starters, points are 4, 3, 1 and 1.
  • New Perpetual Trophy donated by George Payne for first boy in long distance handicaps.
  • John Haynes, former club member and Australian backstroke champion, ordained as priest.
  • Karen Moras sets new World record for 800m freestyle at Drummoyne Pool.
  • Saturday morning exclusive use extended from 7.30 to 11am.
  • Club distributes Prolac pre-race energy drinks to members, after donation by pharmaceutical company.
  • Confirmed that butterfly swimmers in freestyle races will have handicaps based on best freestyle times.
  • Shane Gould breaks World record for 200m and 800m freestyle at Drummoyne Pool.
  • Drummoyne Municipality Centenary Carnival held.
  • Swimming caps sold by club for 35 cents each.
  • Swimathon held to raise money for club – $482 was an important contribution to club finances.
  • Payment of 5 cents per point for season’s point scores (Editor’s note – interesting re “amateur” status).
  • Membership raised to $2 per season and $10 per family.
  • Constitution changed so swimmers breaking handicaps in heats of championships, are re-handicapped.
  • Club meeting votes unanimously to allow Mr Moss Christie to wear the club blazer.
  • Fred Congdon and Bill Gallie elected life members and George Payne presented with LM badge.
  • Club finances in parlous state with balance of $74.65 in June 1974.
  • Club fees raised to $2.50 and $12 for families with water polo players charged $4 per season.
  • NSW SA capitation fees now 80 cents per swimmer – “no pay no points” rule to be enforced.
  • Secretary pays for updating of Honour Boards and 2 funeral wreaths out of own pocket.
  • Non-swimmers allowed to join the club and other fund raising measures planned.
  • Club unable to pay expenses for representative at Australian Championships.
  • Pointscore prizes raised to 6 cents per point and Championship prizes $1.50, $1 and 50 cents – first three.
  • Police advise that revolver used for starting pistol will now attract an annual $5 licence fee.
  • Girls paint Ladies club room themselves with treasurer paying half the paint cost.
  • Club picnic at Whale Beach.
  • Life members listed as: Mr M. Christie, Mr F. Congdon, Mrs C. D. Cotton, Mr W. Gallie, Mr C. Henricks, Mrs E. Henricks, Mr L. Henry, Mr W. Lord, Mr G. Payne, Mr A.F Schmidt and Mrs K. Williams.
  • Mr Phil O’Toole elected life member after 38 years membership of club.
  • Mrs Wendy Madden makes her first appearance as a judge, taking over from Mrs Molly Wark.
  • Club Captain Wayne Fitzgerald chosen in Australian U18 Water Polo team for USA and Canada tour – DASC’s first Australian representative since Jan Murphy. Cost of $2100 subsidised by Bill Gallie lending $1100 and Club raising repayment from raffles, Amway sales and collecting aluminium cans.
  • Maurice Froomes (Moss) Christie dies aged 77. Silver medal at 1924 Paris Olympics in 4 x 200 yard freestyle relay with Andrew (Boy) Charlton, Frank Beaurepaire and Ernie Henry, he won 30 DASC championships. He died at Collaroy pool after feeling unwell after 5 laps.
  • Club fees increased to $4.50, with families $15. Water polo players pay an extra $4 to cover equipment but aren’t happy.
  • Water polo players decide to only pay $4.50 and cover equipment costs themselves.
  • Club costumes added to merchandise available.
  • Having decided that deceased persons cannot be Life Members, the AGM of September 1980 listed LM’s as: Messrs F. Congdon, W. Gallie, C. Henricks, L. Henry, W. Lord, P. O’Toole, G. Payne, J. Sanders, A. Schmidt and Mrs K. Williams.
  • Fees increased to $5 and families of four or more $17, with ASA capitation $2 per person.
  • Pool hire for carnivals $420 per hour.
  • Surplus club funds of $3,000 earning 10.25% in Government bonds.
  • Concerns raised at Council regarding future of pool and club assured of its continuing existence.
  • Pool Development Committee appointed.
  • Sign appearing on Boys Club Room saying “Drummoyne Water Polo Club” results in proposal for new sign saying “Drummoyne Amateur Swimming and Water Polo Club”. Girl’s club room closed for repairs.
  • Committee formed to press Council for pool improvements eg club rooms and broken tiles.
  • Championship prize money $3 for first plus $2.50 and $2 for placegetters – used for engraving.
  • 30 perpetual trophies awarded.
  • Mrs L. Boulter (Hon Sec for 9 years) elected Life Member and presented with LM badge at AGM.
  • Pool entry fee 40 cents – children free with Lessee of the view this is “only applicable to babies”.
  • Men’s Water Polo Committee proposes they form a ladies team – separate from DASC team.
  • Rumblings from water polo that a separate NSW Association may break away from NSW Swimming.
  • Council informs club that chances of getting a new pool are much improved.
  • Club finances much improved with $8,500 in the bank.
  • Fund started to purchase memorial trophy for George Russell, long time marshal for club race days.
1984 Bill Gallie reaches milestone of 20 years service to DASC, mostly as Hon Secretary and Race Referee. During this time, most club meetings were held in Bill’s home at 61 Glassop Street Balmain.
1989 The “Geribo Era” begins with Norma Geribo becoming Race Referee and Handicapper. Norma begins her squad mornings twice per week and continued to be the backbone and soul of DASC until 2010.
  • DASC became incorporated ie a legal entity with limited liability and public indemnity insurance for office bearers. It also provided perpetual succession for the club unless formally wound up.
  • 224 members of club.
1993 Life Members listed as Messrs G. Brown, P. Cotter, W. Gallie, G. Henricks, L. Henry, W. Lord, P. O’Toole, J. Sanders and J. Scott plus Mrs L. Boulter, F. Fitzgerald, N. Geribo,, J. Hammond and W. Madden
  • Substantial refurbishment ($600,000) of pool including reconstruction of pool basin and removal of old sheds.
  • Club membership drops to 150.
  • In response to concerns about future of pool, the Friends of Drummoyne Pool citizen’s group was formed to lobby Council on behalf of the club and other pool users. This became a serious battle.
  • Bill Gallie passes away on 8th August, leaving the club a bequest of $1,000.
  • Club buys its first computer – a laptop costing $3,500.
  • Council Property Manager advises Council of need to spend up to $1m over 3 years or close pool. Community backlash was substantial with many public meetings and lobbying of Councilors. A detailed plan of management for the pool was prepared, recommending heating, a new 25m pool and club room.
  • DASC loses money for second year running and cash reserves further depleted.
1998 New office bearers elected and Club in surplus for first time in three years.
1999 Club merchandise range increased to include bags, long sleeved shirts and fleeces.
  • Membership reaches 234 with fees of $40, reducing for families.
  • Name change to Drummoyne Swimming Club (DSC) and Constitution updated.
  • After 4 years of surplus, cash reserves exceed $9,000.
  • Non swimming membership re-introduced – half normal fee.
2002 Centenary Committee formed, chaired by John Towns, to start planning for 2004 celebrations. Canada Bay Council provided a $3,000 grant to assist.
2003 Electronic timing introduced, with poolside times and place-getters, for a cost of $14,400 including new computer. Drummoyne RSL contributed $4,000 to assist with this large outlay.
  • Centenary celebrations on 13th March. Guests included Harry Gallagher, Jon Henricks, Forbes and Ursula Carlile, John Konrads and Elka Graham. Mayor Angelo Tsirekas attended and thanked our guests.
  • Club records from this point would be started “with a clean sheet” and restricted to those swum at Drummoyne Pool. Previous records to be enshrined as “first 100 years”.

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