Race Program – Battle on the Bay 2010

Drummoyne Swimming Club will be hosting the inaugural “Battle on the Bay” Swimming Carnival at 6pm on Saturday 27th February 2010, between the following local Clubs:

  • Balmain Swimming Club
  • Cabarita Amateur Swimming Club
  • Drummoyne Swimming Club
  • Enfield Swimming Club
  • Leichhardt Swim Club


Swimmers from all age groups and abilities will be challenging for bragging rights of “Champion Swimming Club on the Bay”!

The details for the Carnival are set out below:

Date: Saturday, 27th February, 2010
Time: 6:00pm
Where: Drummoyne Swimming Pool, Henley Marine Drive, Drummoyne
Cost: $5.00 Carnival Entry Fee + Drummoyne Pool Entry Fee
Sausage Sizzle: $2.50


Stroke/Distance Age Groups (Age on 27th February 2010)
1. Freestyle
100m 17 years and over, 15-16 years, 13-14 years, 11-12 years, 9-10 years
50m 7-8 years
30m Under 6 years
2. Breaststroke
50m 17 years and over, 15-16 years, 13-14 years, 11-12 years, 9-10 years
30m 7-8 years
20m Under 6 years
3. Backstroke
50m 17 years and over, 15-16 years, 13-14 years, 11-12 years, 9-10 years
30m 7-8 years
20m Under 6 years
4. Butterfly
50m 17 years and over, 15-16 years, 13-14 years, 11-12 years, 9-10 years
30m 7-8 years
20m Under 6 years
5. Relays
4 x 50m Freestyle 17 years and over, 15-16 years, 13-14 years, 11-12 years, 9-10 years
4 x 30m Freestyle 7-8 years
4 x 20m Freestyle Under 6 years
10 x 50m Freestyle Open

All races will be aged and seeded, except 10 x 50m Relays. All ages determined as at 27th February 2010.

All pre-entries must be received by 5pm on Monday 15th February 2010.

Our preference is to receive pre-entry details in Meet Manager/ Team Manager format. Alternatively, details can be provided in spreadsheet format including the following details for each swimmer and event entered:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Events entered
  • Race Time for each event

The Race Time is the swimmer’s time that is used for handicapping purposes at Club Meets. Where no time is available for the event distance, pro rate the swimmer’s time for the closest distance for the same stroke (eg. if a swimmer does 50 secs for 25m Freestyle, then the Race Time for 30m Freestyle will be 60 secs).

Contact Robyn Johansson to obtain entry sheets and details for the Carnival.

Club Points Allocation

The winning Club will be determined by weighting Race Points between Clubs relative to the number of participating swimmers and events from each Club. The basis for allocating points will be finalised and agreed once the final entries from all Clubs have been received.

If you have any questions on the Carnival, please contact Robyn Johansson at home on 9181-4013, mobile phone 0400 260304 or email johansso@bigpond.net.au.

2010 Battle on the Bay Swimming Carnival

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