Inspirations Paint Five Dock – New Silver Sponsor

In very exciting news Inspirations Paint, Five Dock has signed on for the season as a Silver Sponsor.

Inspirations Paint is located at 296 Lyons Road – on the corner of Russell Street. The store is run by Alfio and Katia Arlotta. They have been operating as a family business servicing the local community for years. They also own the Inspirations Paint shop on Parramatta Road at Haberfield.

Alfio and Katia have a wealth of knowledge and can help you with all your painting project needs, from choosing colours to selecting the right products for the job.

The store is part of Australia’s leading network of specialty paint stores, delivering quality paint products and they have all the painting products you need in the one location.

If you have a job to do – big or small – please show your support for our new sponsor and call Inspirations Paint on (02) 9712 2333 or pop in to the store.

Checkout their website –

New season starting on Sat 3 Oct 20!

Drummoyne Pool will be reopening on Tuesday 1 Sep 20 and we can’t wait to dive in for the new season in a COVID-Safe environment.

The calendar for the 2020-21 season has been published here, with the following activities kicking-off over the next few weeks:

Start DateActivity
2 Sep 20Adult Squads

Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings (6am to 7am)   

Advance registration will be required via Team App. Spectators will need to register using the QR code system
8 Sep 20Junior Squads

Tuesday and Thursday mornings (6am to 7am)

Advance registration will be required via Team App. Spectators will need to register using the QR code system

Contact Phil Hayward if you have any questions or queries in relation to Junior Squad on 0414 713660 or email
3 Oct 20Saturday Race Meets

Saturdays at 7:30 am

Advance registration will be required via Team App. Spectators will need to register using the QR code system.

Drummoyne Pool Passes – Early Bird Discounts and 2020 Pass Credits!

Drummoyne Swimming Centre is offering a number of deals for the start of the season.

If you’re quick, Drummoyne Swim Centre is offering a 10% discount off all season passes and multi visit swim passes purchased between Tuesday 1st September and Sunday 6th September!

Additionally, if you had swim passes last season Drummoyne Swimming Centre is offering the following compensation as a result of the pool closing early last season due to COVID-19:

  • Any remaining credits on Multi Visit Passes will be valid for an additional 40 days from the original expiry date. 
  • Season Pass holders will have the unused portion last season’s purchase applied as a credit against purchases of Season Passes or Multi-Visit Passes for this season. 

Club Membership Registration

Swimming NSW is currently updating its Swim Central membership registration site and we expect that registrations will be open to members from late September.

Club fees will remain the same as last season. Further information and registration details will be provided in due course.

As part of our COVID-Safe plan it is essential that members promptly register or renew their membership with the Club once registrations open.

2019-20 Trophy Award Presentation

Unfortunately, we were unable to hold the End-of-Season Trophy Award Presentation for 2019-20 due to COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings.

As restrictions on award presentations are still in place, we are currently assessing options for announcing and presenting the awards to trophy winners last year. Any suggestions for recognising these achievements in a COVID-Safe way will be gratefully appreciated.

Please contact Club President Adrian Bell on 0424 561831 or email if you have any questions relating to the start of the season and our COVID-Safe plans.

Drummoyne Swim Club is COVID-Safe!

In preparation for the reopening of the pool and Club for the summer season, the Club has completed a COVID-19 safety plan and is registered as a “COVID-Safe Business“.

Subject to complying with our own COVID-19 Safety Plan, any Council requirements and any pool rules we plan to start the swimming season as usual.

The key points of the COVID-19 Safety Plan are:

Have fun, but… be safe and protect others!

  • Arrive ready to swim
  • Register your attendance
    • Team App for swimmers
    • QR Code for spectators (1 per swimmer)
  • Get in 
  • Swim 
  • Get out
  • Isolate in the stand (follow social distancing rules in and out of the pool)
  • Sanitise and wash your hands
  • Minimise use of the amenities
  • Stick to the dedicated areas while at the pool
  • Don’t share equipment eg. food, drinks, equipment or towels (at squads or on race days)
  • Go home when you’re done

Please don’t come to swimming if you’re sick or if you’ve been to a designated hot spot within the timelines shown in the NSW Government guidelines.

More details about the COVID-19 Safety Plan will be provided in coming weeks.

This season will be unusual and we’ll all need to be patient while we get into the swing of things.

For more information on our COVID-Safe plans and arrangements, please contact Club President Adrian Bell on 0424 561831 or email

Introducing your new Club Committee

Congratulations to Adrian Bell on being voted in as our new Club President at the 2020 AGM.

Adrian has been actively involved with the Club for the last three years, including attracting some valuable new sponsors to the Club and has already dived head first into his new role, to oversee the ‘COVID-safe’ reopening of the Club this season.

We also welcome some new names to the Club Committee, including Davina Kite and Jodie Van Loo, who will be assisting Shellee Ossen in organising this year’s social events, which will present them with some unique challenges in the current environment!

A big thank you to our outgoing President Tim Doolan, who has handed over the reins to Adrian after four years in the role. In that time, Tim has seen the Club grow from strength-to-strength with increased membership and the introduction of Winter Swim Club, Junior Technicians and new diving blocks amongst other initiatives. Tim will be staying on the Committee to ensure a smooth handover to Adrian.

Thank you also to outgoing committee members Kate Romaniuk, Annette Jamieson and Renee Carroll who also made huge contributions to the successful running of the Club last season, including organising social events, trophies and weekly newsletters.

Click here to see the names and roles of our current Committee members.

Annual General Meeting – Mon 24 Aug 2020

Annual General Meeting

On behalf of the club committee we hope everyone has been keeping well and fit during the COVID-19 lockdown and re-opening. Let’s hope that the only new waves are water related not virus related.

It’s been great to see members swimming safely in the ocean, estuaries, backyard pools and local pools now that they’ve re-opened.

Annual General Meeting
The club’s AGM is coming up on Monday 24th August at 7: 30pm. Like a lot of other community clubs we will hold the meeting online using Microsoft Teams.

If you wish to attend please contact Tim Doolan for details via

Also, if you are interested in helping out with the running of the Club or in a committee position please contact Tim about this.

Presentation night

By now we would normally have held the club’s awards presentation night for the 2019/20 season. However, given the present situation we have decided to remove any uncertainty surrounding large gatherings and defer the award of trophies to the beginning of the 2020/21 season, expected to commence in October 2020. We will provide more details in due course.

Local Sponsors Welcome

Drummoyne Swimming Club is on the hunt for new sponsors for the upcoming season and we figure the best place to start is in our own backyard swimming pool (so to speak). We are calling out for you – swimmers and parents – to help us find club sponsors. Sponsorship plays a key role in keeping registration fees as low as possible and helps us pay for ever increasing costs.

We are certainly living in interesting and uncertain economic times but some businesses have been very successful during the COVID-19 crisis and others may be looking to get a bit of community exposure to help get themselves going again.

You may have your own business or know of one that could get a boost by linking with our well-regarded community-based club. You may work for a large corporate that might be keen to associate with us. If so, we’re keen to see what we can do.

Click below for our new Sponsorship Brochure for the 2020/21 season:

Adobe PDF

We’ve sought to produce a document that spells out the benefits of becoming a club sponsor. Please take a look and get back to us if you think you can help or know someone who might be interested. We’re also open to other sponsorship ideas and options so please feel free to put forward any other ideas you have.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for 2020/21 or know someone who is, please contact Adrian Bell on 0424 561 831 or

Don’t forget to support our current sponsors

Epic Pizza

While on the topic of sponsors… our current sponsors Canada Bay Club, Ribs & Burgers and Epic Pizza are all back open to attend in-person. If you are looking for a night out please try and frequent one of these friendly and supportive businesses.

Veeva Property Group is also operating as usual. So, if you need property related services please contact Gladys on (02) 9181 5943.

Winter Swim Club is back!

Some great news for our fitness in a challenging environment!

NSW Health has permitted Drummoyne Swimming Club to resume its Winter Swim Club programme, provided that it maintains strong social-isolation rules.

As all public swimming pools are currently closed, swimming is restricted to large mud puddles in otherwise unused rain-soaked park land.

All puddles will need to be at least 4 meters apart and race distances will be confined to 1.5m a lap.

The winner of the 4 x 1.5m long distance event will be presented with the Geribo Mud Chocolate Cup.

All swimmers will be required to liberally apply full-body sanitiser before each race. We have been kindly donated a large supply of toilet paper to clean up after the meet.

Meets will commence in May once the curve has started to flatten, as it would be foolhardy to start sooner.

We look forward to seeing you there. For all enquiries, please contact Duncan Tryon via email at

Support the Club’s sponsors!

Drummoyne Swimming Club is extremely fortunate to have the generous support of the local business community, including the sponsors listed below.

Now, more than ever, it’s time for us to reciprocate their generosity by supporting their businesses through the challenging economic times ahead of us all.

While it may be difficult to take advantage of their services in current circumstances, consider ways in which you can support their businesses such as recommendations to friends or advance purchases of vouchers.

Thank you again to all of our sponsors for your kind support and we hope to partner again with you next season.

Drummoyne Swimming Club is proudly sponsored by the following businesses:

Gold Sponsors

The Canada Bay Club in Five Dock has generously donated funds towards the Club’s squad instructors, equipment and essential running costs.

Enjoy a family night out with the best burgers in Australia at Ribs’n’Burgers

Veeva Property Group

The end of year trophies are sponsored by Veeva Property Group.

Silver Sponsors

Enjoy a family night out at Epic Pizza

Business Donors

The following businesses have kindly donated products and services to support the club:

Coronavirus – Early Season Finish

Unfortunately, as a result of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, we have decided to finish the Swim Club season early and have cancelled the meets scheduled for the remaining two weeks on Saturday 21st and 28th March 2020.

The season results and trophies will be determined based on the racing completed up to last Saturday 14th March 2020.

The Drummoyne Swimming Club Committee has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the guidelines and recommendations released by Health NSW and Swimming NSW. Following Swimming NSW’s latest advice issued on Sunday 15th March 2020, the decision was made to cancel the last two Swim Club meets for the health and safety of our members and families. 

The final awards and trophies will be based on provisional results as at the 14th March 2020. Please note that the provisional results on our website will be adjusted by excluding non-financial members and Championship points for members who did not attend the required three Club meets before racing in those Championship events.

The Awards Dinner function planned for 8th May 2020 has been postponed and a further update will be made in the coming weeks.

Junior squad coaching is cancelled from this Thursday 19th March 2020. Winter Swim Club has also been put on hold at this stage.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or comments please call Tim Doolan on mobile 0418 969591 or email him at

Thank you to all of our new and existing members for supporting our Club in what has been a very enjoyable swimming season. We hope that your family and friends stay fit and healthy until we resume swimming next season.

Tim Doolan, President, Drummoyne Swimming Club

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