Ferragosto Prize Winners!

Congratulations to the following prize winners from our Ferragosto mailing list sign up stall:

Prize NoPrizeWinner
1Free membership for the 2022/2023 season and swim capMarika Merola
2Club towel, kit bag and bucket hat and swim capMona Hussein
3Stroke correction session and swim capAiden Snow Clark

Please contact Adrian Bell at swim club once we start again or via president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au to redeem your prize.

Thanks to all the DSC swimmers who came along and helped on the club stall on the day.

New Swim Club Committee and AGM

Thanks to everyone who attended the DSC AGM last Monday night.

The main agenda items were to elect a new management committee, review the club’s accounts and confirm the calendar and fees for the upcoming season.

Club Committee

The committee for the 2022-2023 year is:

  • Adrian Bell – President*
  • Liz Maniscalco – Treasurer*
  • David Smith – Registrar*
  • Duncan Lyon – Race Secretary*
  • Phil Hayward – Learn to Swim Coordinator*
  • Melissa Kerr
  • David Parker
  • Matthew O’Connor

* positions to be confirmed at the next committee meeting. It was also agreed at the AGM that there would be no ScoMo style shenanigans with committee members appointing themselves to multiple roles.

Thanks to retiring committee members

Thanks to the following retiring committee members:

Michael Donnellan who has been the club’s Registrar for the last few years, Jodie van Loo and Danni Hale.

Thanks also to Phil Hayward for his work as Treasurer. Phil is handing this role over but remaining on the committee and continuing in the role of Learn to Swim Coordinator.

Calendar for 2022-2023

The season 2022-2023 calendar was discussed and agreed.

It was agreed that the racing season will commence on Saturday the 8th of October not the 1st of October as previously advised. Apologies for the confusion about this!

Squads will commence per previous communications – Adult Squads from the 2nd of September and Junior squads from the 6th of September.

Fees for 2022-2023

It was agreed that membership fees will remain the same as for the 2021-2022 season.

The membership fee for the majority of our swimmers will be $100.

NSW Active Kids vouchers can be applied to this and will reduce the fee for eligible children to $0.

Swimming NSW will open membership portal on Swim Central in early September. The club will set up membership options and start taking registrations shortly thereafter. Keep an eye out for communications about this.

6 weeks ’til Saturday racing starts again


Swimming season is fast approaching. It’s almost time to dig out your swimming costume and dust off your goggles… Drummoyne Swimming Centre re-opens on 1 September and racing starts again on 1 October.

Drummoyne Swimming Centre Re-opensThursday 1 September
Drummoyne Swimming Club 1st week of racingSaturday 1 October

Senior and Junior Squads will commence as soon as the pool opens.

Tell your friends and family about the upcoming season. New swimmers are always welcome!

Keep an eye out on social media and TeamApp for more information!

Duel in the Pool borrows from the BBB

The Duel in the Pool organisers must have had spies at Drummoyne Swimming Club’s BBB races last summer. They’ve borrowed some of our ideas. One of the innovative races on Saturday night was a multi-class, multi-stroke handicap. Those spectators and TV viewers who aren’t familiar with our BBB handicap racing format must have been confused…

Reminder: AGM is on tomorrow night

Swim Club’s AGM is on tomorrow night (Monday 22 August) at 7:30 at the Drummoyne Sailing Club. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Come along to hear a run down on last season and about the club’s panned activities for season 2022-2023.

Season Opening Offer: Discounted Season and Multi-visit passes

Get 10% off season and multi-visit passes

As they usually do on the first day of the swimming season, Belgravia Leisure are offering 10% off season and multi-visit passes to Drummoyne Swimming Centre on 1 September 2022*.

Head down to the pool on the 1st of September or submit your enquiry here:

*Offer only valid on 1st September for 48 hours, not in conjunction with any other offer. Excludes swim school and casual entry.

Encouragement from Ellie Cole!

Some words of encouragement for our swimmers from one of Australia’s most successful swimmers – the one and only Ellie Cole!

Ellie Cole is one of Austraila’s most decorated swimmers with 6 Paralympic and 3 world championship gold medals to her name. Thanks to Ellie for taking time out to wish our swimmers well for this upcoming season.

Thanks to Michelle Turchini who bailed Ellie up to get this message encouragement.

Drummoyne Swimming Centre Opens Soon!


Attention all Drummoyne Swimmng Club swimmers and friends. Our swimming season is fast approaching. It’s almost time to dig out your swimming costume and dust off your goggles…

Drummoyne Swimming Centre Re-opensThursday 1 September
Drummoyne Swimming Club 1st week of racingSaturday 1 October

Senior and Junior Squads will commence as soon as the pool opens.

Keep an eye out on social media and TeamApp for more information!

REMINDER: DSC AGM Monday 22 August

The Annual General Meeting of the Drummoyne Amateur Swimming Club Incorporated is scheduled for Monday 22 August 2021. All members are invited to attend.

Meeting Details:

Date: Monday 22 August 2022

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Drummoyne Sailing Club (unless COVID restrictions are re-imposed in which case we will revert to a video conference)

Please RSVP via email to president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au.

Nominations for Committee Members:
Any members that wish to nominate to be a member of the swim club committee must do so in writing not less than 7 days before the 22nd of August 2022.

Nominations must be via text message or email via 0424 561 831 or president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au or by responding via the RSVP function in TeamApp.

Committee portfolios will be determined at the first committee meeting after the AGM but members are requested to specify any preferred role when nominating to stand for the committee.


The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:  

  1. Welcome, attendance and apologies,  
  2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on 23th  August 2021,  
  3. President’s 2021-2022 Season Report  
  4. Receipt and consideration of a statement from the Committee which gives a true and fair view of the Club’s finances for the last Club financial year including income and  expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and other securities,  
  5. To elect members of the Committee (up to 10),  
  6. To appoint auditors,  
  7. To determine 2022-2023 swim meet calendar dates,  
  8. To determine the club membership fees for the 2022-2023 season,
  9. Close of meeting.  

The quorum for the AGM shall be not less than 7 members.

Click here for printable copies of the AGM documents:

If you have any questions about the AGM please contact Adrian Bell on 0424 561 831.

DASC AGM | Monday 22 August at Drummoyne Sailing Club

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Drummoyne Amateur Swimming Club Incorporated is scheduled for Monday 22 August 2021.

Meeting Details:

Date: Monday 22 August 2022

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Drummoyne Sailing Club (unless COVID restrictions are re-imposed in which case we will revert to a video conference)

Please RSVP via email to president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au.

Nominations for Committee Members:
Any members that wish to nominate to be a member of the swim club committee must do so in writing not less than 7 days before the 22nd of August 2022.

Nominations must be via text message or email via 0424 561 831 or president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au or by responding via the RSVP function in TeamApp.

Committee portfolios will be determined at the first committee meeting after the AGM but members are requested to specify any preferred role when nominating to stand for the committee.


The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:  

  1. Welcome, attendance and apologies,  
  2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on 23th  August 2021,  
  3. President’s 2021-2022 Season Report  
  4. Receipt and consideration of a statement from the Committee which gives a true and fair view of the Club’s finances for the last Club financial year including income and  expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and other securities,  
  5. To elect members of the Committee (up to 10),  
  6. To appoint auditors,  
  7. To determine 2022-2023 swim meet calendar dates,  
  8. To determine the club membership fees for the 2022-2023 season,
  9. Close of meeting.  

The quorum for the AGM shall be not less than 7 members.

Click here for printable copies of the AGM documents:

If you have any questions about the AGM please contact Adrian Bell on 0424 561 831.

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