George Wheaton BBB Finalists

The finalists for the George Wheaton 50m BBB Handicap to be held on 24 November 2018 are as follows:

1417Sienna LUCASBreaststroke
1430Ellen FANNINGBreaststroke
281James SIMMONSBreaststroke
674Cara PARKERBreaststroke
1434Steve LUCASBreaststroke
1027Gabrielle PERKINSBackstroke
728Bronson RONANButterfly
673Ethan PARKERButterfly

Entries for George Wheaton BBB

Next Saturday is your opportunity to contest one of the most highly-prized trophies of the season – the George Wheaton 50m “BBB” Handicap!

BBB is short for Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly.  It’s a unique event in which competitors race each other with different “B” strokes in the same race on handicap.  So  a swimmer in one lane may swim Butterfly, another Breaststroke and a third Backstroke!

To seed the event, we need to know which “B” stroke you will swim this Saturday.  You must have already completed a 50m Time Trial for your chosen stroke, so if you’re new to the Club this season, choose a stroke for which you’ve already set a time.

Please email your name and chosen stroke (50m Breaststroke, Backstroke or Butterfly) to Duncan Lyon at this week.

Swim Club Water Babies

Congratulations to two Swim Club Members – Renee Carroll and Rob Brown – on the birth of their first children last week.

Rob became father to a baby girl, Mia, born on Monday 8th October 2018.

Renee gave birth to a baby boy, Atlas, born on Thursday 11th October 2018.

We wish them all the best and look forward to seeing Mia and Atlas swimming with us at Drummoyne Pool in a few years’ time!

Squad Coaching Starts Tuesday

Our new squad coaching program will be starting this Tuesday and Thursday morning in Lanes 1 and 2 at Drummoyne Pool with the following program:

Lane 1: 
5:45am-6:30am – Adult Technical 
6:30am-7:00am – Young Kids 
Lane 2: 
5:45am-7:00am – Youth Fit

It’s the ideal way to improve your swimming technique and fitness!

Refer to the training page on our website for further information or contact:

George Wheaton Memorial Trophy – BBB

The George Wheaton Memorial Trophy is awarded to the winner of the 50m BBB (Breaststroke, Backstroke, Butterfly) Handicap.

The trophy was inaugurated in the 1939-40 season, in memory of George Wheaton, Hon Treasurer of the Club, who tragically collapsed and died shortly after competing in a 220 yard Father & Sons race on 7 January 1937.

Click here for photos of the trophy and the names of past winners.

Is your name on this trophy?  Tell us more about your win and share it with your friends!

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