Register for the George Wheaton BBB

Backstroke, Breaststroke or Butterfly

Heats for our unique George Wheaton BBB are coming up on Saturday 6 Nov 21 and we are now taking stroke nominations. To enter and select your stroke please complete the form at the end of this link.

The BBB is a unique race in which the competitors race against each other swimming their favourite “B” stroke – Breaststroke, Backstroke or Butterfly!

The race is named in honour of George Wheaton – a former secretary of Drummoyne Swimming Club who tragically died after racing his four sons in a “Father and Son” race at the Club in 1937. The trophy was inaugurated in the 1939-40 season and is one of the Clubs most sought after prizes.

Family members usually join us pool side for the final, which this season is set for Saturday 27 November.

George Wheaton
George Wheaton

Need a handicap time for the BBB…

This Saturday is your last opportunity to get a time in advance of the BBB. If you don’t have a time, make sure you enter a 50m breaststroke time trial this Saturday.

Try Water Polo with the Devils

Can’t get enough time in the water…

Our sister club the Drummoyne Water Polo Club aka ‘the Devils’ are looking for more swimmers to join their ranks.

If your kids are keen then you might like to try out the Friday night primary school competition.

Check out the Devil’s website for more information about it and how to join.

Welcome back Ribs & Burgers as a sponsor for 2021-2022

Ribs & Burgers have been a wonderful supporter of the club for the last few years and they have very generously agreed to support us again this summer.

Phil Keelan from Ribs & Burgers presenting to Liz Maniscalco at the 2020-201 Awards night

We’ll be offering vouchers in raffles throughout the season. The money raised goes towards paying the club’s ever increasing expenses. Your support in purchasing raffle tickets each Saturday helps us provide a great swimming experience and to keep registration fees down.

Please show your appreciation for Ribs & Burgers when planning your next meal out or take away order!

And check out the calendar for our upcoming Ladies and Men’s social nights at Ribs & Burgers.

Social Nights coming up soon…

Our annual Ladies’ and Men’s social nights are coming up in November. They are always a fun night out and a great chance to meet and chat with other swimmers and parents (and others).

Ladies’ night is Thursday 11 November 21 and Men’s night is Thursday 18 November 21. Both events will be held at Ribs & Burgers at Drummoyne from 7pm. Go to Team App and RSVP to the event.

Ribs & Burgers have a wide variety of food on offer, including great salads, wraps and bowls, with vegetarian and vegan options.

Welcome to Season 2021-2022!

Season starts 23 October

For a while there, with Delta variant COVID-19 cases climbing, it didn’t look like we would get much of a Swim Club season. Happily, things have turned around to the point that community sport can recommence. So, it’s a pleasure to say Swim Club starts this weekend!

This week we will ease into things with a revised racing schedule.

  • Sprint: 20m, 30m and 50m Freestyle Handicap
  • Form Stroke: 20m, 30m and 50m Backstroke Handicap
  • Long Distance: 4x20m, 4x30m and 200m Freestyle Handicap

The original schedule for this week included 100m butterfly and a 4x50m medley but the Club Committee thought it would be cruel to start the season like that!

COVID safe compliance

Please note that we need to comply with the relevant health orders and swim centre rules.

We are adopting very similar COVID-safe practices to last season so the rules will be familiar.

In accordance with Public Health Orders:

  • Persons 16 and over will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the pool and present their vaccine certificate or proof of age if under 16.
  • You should wear a mask when passing through indoor areas at the pool,
  • You should observe social distancing requirements at all times, and
  • You will need to check-in using the Services NSW app.


As noted last week, registrations are now open for this season. Swimmers can join the Club or renew their membership at the Swimming Australia’s Swim Central website.

If you want more information about the membership options and how to navigate Swim Central head to our Fees and Registration page.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the system is much easier to use this year, thanks to improvements by Swimming NSW!

Team App

As with previous seasons, we will be using Team App to register swimmers and enter them into the day’s races. Please RSVP attendance for yourself and family members via the DSC Team App application by Friday COB.

Could returning swimmers please check that the app is working ahead of this weekend.

Could any new swimmers reading this please download and set up Team App using the following instructions:

  • Download the Team App to your phone
  • Search for Drummoyne Swimming Club under sporting teams and ask to join. You’ll then be admitted and can continue with the set up. Note, there you will need to enter certain contact information into the system but it’s not too onerous.
  • Once you are set up… click on Events in the Menu tab
  • Click on the date you wish to attend
  • Scroll down and RSVP your attendance and include any additional people (if applicable)

We’re going cashless

This summer Swim Club is going cashless. Raffle tickets and merchandise purchases will need to be made via the Square Tab or via EFT to the Club’s account. Apologies for the inconvenience but we’ve all learnt to live without cash over the COVID period and cashless payments are much simpler to administer for Club’s volunteer officials.


Adult and Junior Squads are now running to our normal program:

  • Adult Squads: Monday, Wednesday (6:00 – 7:00) and Friday (5:30 – 7:00).
  • Junior Squads: Tuesday and Thursday

Please feel free to come along – squads are free for Swim Club members.

Noah Hale and a healthy crowd for our first official Junior Squad for the summer


We are planning a number of social events later this season. Please keep the following dates free:

  • 11 November 21 – Ladies’ Social Night, Ribs n Burgers, Drummoyne, from 7pm
  • 18 November 21 – Men’s Social Night, Ribs n Burgers, Drummoyne, from 7pm
  • 4 December 21 – pre Christmas Cruise (Captain Cook Cruises)

Working Bee

Thanks very much to club committee members Danni Hale, David Parker, Duncan Lyon, Jodie van Loo and Melissa Kerr for helping out with a working bee to tidy the club room and test the equipment in readiness for this week’s racing.

Working Bee in progress
Test race number 1 – the starter works!

See you Saturday!

Swim Club starting on Saturday 23 Oct 21!

Following the news that NSW has reached its target 80% double dose vaccination for 16+ we are delighted to announce that community sport can recommence next week, which means we will bring forward the start of Club racing to next Saturday 23rd of October 2021 (for the double vaccinated).

Adult and Junior Squads will run to our normal program:

  • Adult Squads: Monday, Wednesday (6:00 – 7:00) and Friday (5:30 – 7:00).
  • Junior Squads: Tuesday and Thursday

Our calendar has been updated with the season’s events, commencing this Saturday with the following:

  • Sprint: 20m, 30m and 50m Freestyle Handicap
  • Form Stroke: 20m, 30m and 50m Backstroke Handicap
  • Long Distance: 4x20m, 4x30m and 200m Freestyle Handicap

Time Trials

New swimmers will first need to complete a Time Trial for one of the events in each category (Sprint, Form Stroke, Long Distance), where we record your time for that event (eg. the time it takes you to swim 50m freestyle and 50m backstroke). Once you have completed a time trial we will match you up with swimmers of similar ability in future races and give you a handicap start based on your best time.

For further information our racing format and rules, click here.

Welcome back Inspirations Paint Five Dock!

Inspirations Paint Five Dock – Returning Silver Sponsor

Please join me in welcoming back our generous Silver Sponsor Inspirations Paint Five Dock. Alfio and Katia Arlotta joined us as sponsors last summer and have graciously decided to support the club again this season.

Please show your appreciation to Alfio and Katia by utilising their services and purchasing your painting supplies from their store on Lyons Road near Brent Street.

DSC Registrations are now open!

Registrations are now open for season 2021/2022. Swimming NSW has continued to develop their Swim Central website and registration is even smoother than last season. Active Kids Vouchers can be redeemed at checkout. See below for more information about how to register.

Membership Categories and Fees 2021/2022

Swimming NSW have revised their membership categories and the fees that they charge us as a club. We have brought our fee structure into line with the new arrangements.

The five membership options are:

Membership categoryDescriptionFee*
Club swimmer (2021-2022)For all DSC swimmers regardless of age.
Note: the NSW Active kids voucher can be redeemed for juniors (4.5 – 18 years)
Non-swimmer – Spectator / Supporter (2021-2022)For parents or others who wish to become financial members of DSC – but who don’t want to swim in squads or at races.$30.00
Second claim member (2021-2022)For any swimmers that have a ‘first club’ membership at another club but who also swim at DSC.$60.00
Squad member (2021-2022)For those swimmers who only want to participate in club squads. $60.00
State Competition Swimmer (2021-2022)For DSC swimmers who wish to compete at Swimming NSW and Swimming Australia events. $120.00
* Fees include GST and credit card charges.

How to register

Members can join the Club or renew their membership at the Swimming NSW Swim Central portal.

NSW Active Kids vouchers can now be redeemed online in the registration process.

More information and instructions can be found on the Club’s Fees and Registration page.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact our Club Registrar, Michael Donnellan on or mobile 0422 453 322.

Swim Club racing set for Sat 30 Oct 2021!

Vaccination rates in NSW continue to rocket along. On current forecasts 80% double dose vaccination for 16+ will be achieved on 19 October 2021.

According to current advice from the NSW Government, community sport can restart for fully vaccinated people from the Monday after the State hits this 80% target.

Proposed Season Start Dates

So, on the back of the current forecasts we will plan to start formal Swim Club activities on the following dates:

Adult SquadsMon 25 Oct 21
Junior SquadsTue 26 Oct 21
Saturday Race MeetsSat 30 Oct 21

NOTE: These dates are provisional and may be subject to change depending on public health orders and changes to the NSW Government’s roadmap as well as final approvals from Belgravia Leisure and Council.

80% double-dose vaccination forecast

ABC vaccination tracker (as at 7 Oct 21)

80% double-dose vaccination rules recap:

80% double-jab easing of restrictions – Source NSW Govt (as at 7 Oct 21)

We look forward to seeing everyone back at the pool soon.

Get ready to dive back in to racing!

Back at Drummoyne Icebergs…

The fact that there was slight lack of heating on the opening day did not deter hard core swimmers who couldn’t wait to dive back in to the sweet ‘fresh’ Drummoyne Pool water!

Craig, Duncan, Arthur and Doug (in the fast lane (# 2)) keeping their social distance on opening morning of the season.

Fortunately, the heating is now back on and swimming conditions are beautiful in the lead up to the season start.

Recap on pool rules

Just to recap the rules COVID-safe rules are shown below. One key thing to note it that the pool is only open to those who reside in the Canada Bay LGA and those from other LGAs who live within 5km of the centre.

Regular squad members had to prove they lived within 5km on Monday. Happily they were both able to do so but other people have been turned away.

Check out the Swim Centre’s web page for more information.

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