George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) – Final

The results of the final for the George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) held on 18 January 2025 were as follows:

ID Name Position
1156 Luke SELLARS 1
1112 Hannah SVOBODA 2
1689 Paul MARTIN 4
1695 Alena FINN 5
1586 Rex WILSON 6
1324 Yunos YAQUB 7

Winner: Luke SELLARS


George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) – Final

The results of the final for the George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) held on 20 January 2024 were as follows:

ID Name Position
619 Duncan LYON 1
1469 Tony VAN SCHAIK 2
1762 Alberto RAPISARDA 3
1736 Cath THOMPSON 4
1113 Jaxon LEWIS 5
1723 Ian MILLS 6
1755 Lyndal RAPISARDA 7
1493 Audrey ALLAN 8

Winner: Duncan LYON


George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap)

The results of the final for the George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) held on 21 January 2023 were as follows:

111Phil HAYWARD1
1495Elizabeth ALLAN2
639William TAYLOR3
1593Erica BHATTI4
1377Gavin TANNER5

Winner: Phil HAYWARD

George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) Final

The results of the final for the George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) held on 22 January 2022 were as follows:

1593Erica BHATTI1
1191Matthew SVOBODA2
1457Toby HANSEN3
1389Hayden HOWARD4
1113Jaxon LEWIS5
1395Michael KERR7

Winner: Erica BHATTI

George Russell 400m Freestyle Final, Bill Gallie 50m Breaststroke Heats and 100m Freestyle

2nd week back after the break

Things looked a little dicey last Saturday after lightning struck close by the pool at 6:45. But, it was all plain sailing from there and it turned out to be a nice, but understandably quiet, morning. This Saturday the weather is looking fine. So, if you indulged too much over the festive season, head down to the pool to race off some of that Christmas cheer…

This week we have:

George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap Final

The finalists for this week’s George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) race are:

1113Jaxon LEWIS
1457Toby HANSEN

To increase the field, we’ll likely include second and/or third place finishers from the heats as additional swimmers in the final.

George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) – Finalists

The finalists for the George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap) to be held on 22 January 2022 are as follows:

1113Jaxon LEWIS
1457Toby HANSEN

To increase the field, we may include second and/or third place finishers from the heats as additional swimmers in the final.

Week 8: Butterfly Championship and George Russell 400m Freestyle Heats!

After a delayed start, the first half of the season has flown by and there are just two weeks to go before we break for Christmas and new year. If we’ve all been good Santa Claus might come and visit us next week. But first…

50m Butterfly Championship

We start with the 50m Butterfly Championship event. For Championship races there are no handicap starts – everyone starts off “Go”. The fastest person in each age group wins.

To read more about the Championship events and racing format, click here.

100m Freestyle

Following the Butterfly Championship races we’ll get back to the handicap racing. This week the youngsters (under 10s) will be competing in the Molly Wark & Les Henry U/10 100m Freestyle handicap races (Week 2) and the not so young will be competing for the Over 35 Handicap points and bragging rights.

George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap Heats

Following the 100m Freestyle races we’ll have the heats for the George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap). Note that everyone who currently has a 200m freestyle time is eligible to compete in the George Russell heats – no need for your 200m time to be less than 200 seconds, which is the normal entry criteria. If you haven’t swum a 400m race before, we will calculate your handicap time for the 400m heats based on your current 200m time. The final for this trophy event is the 23rd January 2022 leaving plenty of time to improve and give yourself a chance at the trophy.

Last week’s medley winner

A big shout out to Erica Bhatti who won the Five Dock Rotary 200m Individual Medley Handicap trophy. Erica held off a fast finishing Matthew Svoboda and Ian Allen. Erica’s time was a 20 second personal best. Well done Erica!

Erica and the Bhatti Party

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