Duel in the Pool borrows from the BBB

The Duel in the Pool organisers must have had spies at Drummoyne Swimming Club’s BBB races last summer. They’ve borrowed some of our ideas. One of the innovative races on Saturday night was a multi-class, multi-stroke handicap. Those spectators and TV viewers who aren’t familiar with our BBB handicap racing format must have been confused…

Reminder: AGM is on tomorrow night

Swim Club’s AGM is on tomorrow night (Monday 22 August) at 7:30 at the Drummoyne Sailing Club. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Come along to hear a run down on last season and about the club’s panned activities for season 2022-2023.

Season Opening Offer: Discounted Season and Multi-visit passes

Get 10% off season and multi-visit passes

As they usually do on the first day of the swimming season, Belgravia Leisure are offering 10% off season and multi-visit passes to Drummoyne Swimming Centre on 1 September 2022*.

Head down to the pool on the 1st of September or submit your enquiry here:

*Offer only valid on 1st September for 48 hours, not in conjunction with any other offer. Excludes swim school and casual entry.

Encouragement from Ellie Cole!

Some words of encouragement for our swimmers from one of Australia’s most successful swimmers – the one and only Ellie Cole!

Ellie Cole is one of Austraila’s most decorated swimmers with 6 Paralympic and 3 world championship gold medals to her name. Thanks to Ellie for taking time out to wish our swimmers well for this upcoming season.

Thanks to Michelle Turchini who bailed Ellie up to get this message encouragement.

Drummoyne Swimming Centre Opens Soon!


Attention all Drummoyne Swimmng Club swimmers and friends. Our swimming season is fast approaching. It’s almost time to dig out your swimming costume and dust off your goggles…

Drummoyne Swimming Centre Re-opensThursday 1 September
Drummoyne Swimming Club 1st week of racingSaturday 1 October

Senior and Junior Squads will commence as soon as the pool opens.

Keep an eye out on social media and TeamApp for more information!

REMINDER: DSC AGM Monday 22 August

The Annual General Meeting of the Drummoyne Amateur Swimming Club Incorporated is scheduled for Monday 22 August 2021. All members are invited to attend.

Meeting Details:

Date: Monday 22 August 2022

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Drummoyne Sailing Club (unless COVID restrictions are re-imposed in which case we will revert to a video conference)

Please RSVP via email to president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au.

Nominations for Committee Members:
Any members that wish to nominate to be a member of the swim club committee must do so in writing not less than 7 days before the 22nd of August 2022.

Nominations must be via text message or email via 0424 561 831 or president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au or by responding via the RSVP function in TeamApp.

Committee portfolios will be determined at the first committee meeting after the AGM but members are requested to specify any preferred role when nominating to stand for the committee.


The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:  

  1. Welcome, attendance and apologies,  
  2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on 23th  August 2021,  
  3. President’s 2021-2022 Season Report  
  4. Receipt and consideration of a statement from the Committee which gives a true and fair view of the Club’s finances for the last Club financial year including income and  expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and other securities,  
  5. To elect members of the Committee (up to 10),  
  6. To appoint auditors,  
  7. To determine 2022-2023 swim meet calendar dates,  
  8. To determine the club membership fees for the 2022-2023 season,
  9. Close of meeting.  

The quorum for the AGM shall be not less than 7 members.

Click here for printable copies of the AGM documents:

If you have any questions about the AGM please contact Adrian Bell on 0424 561 831.

DASC AGM | Monday 22 August at Drummoyne Sailing Club

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Drummoyne Amateur Swimming Club Incorporated is scheduled for Monday 22 August 2021.

Meeting Details:

Date: Monday 22 August 2022

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Drummoyne Sailing Club (unless COVID restrictions are re-imposed in which case we will revert to a video conference)

Please RSVP via email to president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au.

Nominations for Committee Members:
Any members that wish to nominate to be a member of the swim club committee must do so in writing not less than 7 days before the 22nd of August 2022.

Nominations must be via text message or email via 0424 561 831 or president@drummoyneswimclub.com.au or by responding via the RSVP function in TeamApp.

Committee portfolios will be determined at the first committee meeting after the AGM but members are requested to specify any preferred role when nominating to stand for the committee.


The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:  

  1. Welcome, attendance and apologies,  
  2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on 23th  August 2021,  
  3. President’s 2021-2022 Season Report  
  4. Receipt and consideration of a statement from the Committee which gives a true and fair view of the Club’s finances for the last Club financial year including income and  expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and other securities,  
  5. To elect members of the Committee (up to 10),  
  6. To appoint auditors,  
  7. To determine 2022-2023 swim meet calendar dates,  
  8. To determine the club membership fees for the 2022-2023 season,
  9. Close of meeting.  

The quorum for the AGM shall be not less than 7 members.

Click here for printable copies of the AGM documents:

If you have any questions about the AGM please contact Adrian Bell on 0424 561 831.

Presentation Night

This year’s trophy presentation night will be at Drummoyne Sailing Club on Sunday the 19th of June. Arrive 15:30 to grab a lemonade for a 16:00 start. All members, parents and juniors are invited.

The evening is a great opportunity to catch up with fellow swimmers and it promises to be a lot of fun. We’ll have:

Event and Booking Details

When: Saturday 19 June 2022
What time: 15:30 to 19:30
Where: Drummoyne Sailing Club, 2 St Georges Cres, Drummoyne
Cost: Adults – $20, Children – $10
Drinks are available to purchase at the bar.

Numbers are limited so please get in early and book your tickets using Trybooking so we can confirm catering details:

Thanks very much to our wonderful sponsor Veeva Property Group who fund the trophies and are our major supporter for the awards night.  https://www.facebook.com/veevaproperty/

Laps for Life Wrap up!

We’ve been a bit slack in providing final details on our fundraising efforts for Laps for Life. And there is certainly no reason to be shy about our achievements this time around.

Drummoyne Swimming Club was at the pointy end of the team fundraising table again this year. As a club we raised $15,562. We were the 8th highest fundraising team in the country.

Individually this year Duncan Lyon was the third highest fundraiser in the country raising $10,386. Thank you to Duncan and thank you to our other magnificent fundraisers:

  • Sue-Ellen Foster,
  • Alex Sellars,
  • Luke Sellars,
  • Georgina Manicsalco,
  • Jessica Bell

In 2022 Laps for Life involved over 6000 individuals and almost 1000 teams. Collectively everyone involved swum over 60000 kms (that 1.5 times around the world) and raised $1,947,370.

Funds raised will provide critical support and resources for over 400,000 young people.

If you want to learn more check out this Youtube clip:

Drummoyne Swim Club raised $15,562

Duncan Lyon was the third highest fundraiser in the country and raised $10,386.

Sue-Ellen Foster, Alex Sellars, Luke Sellars, Georgina Manicsalco, Jessica Bell

Why do we support Laps for Life and ReachOut?

1 in 4 young people in Australia are currently experiencing a mental health difficulty? But there’s an even bigger problem: 70% of those who need help don’t get it. And, suicide remains the leading cause of death of young people in Australia. That means more young people take their own lives each year than die in car accidents.

After friends and family, the internet is the first place young people turn to for information and support. That’s where ReachOut comes in.

ReachOut is there – 24/7 – for whatever life throws at them. With tools, tips, advice for everything from dealing with exam stress to understanding how to get help for an issue that’s worrying them, ReachOut provides practical tools designed just for their needs, even when they don’t know what they’re looking for. Last year alone, ReachOut was there for more than 3.6 million people, and it’s estimated that ReachOut prevented more than 300 fatal suicides. 

Every dollar raised through Laps for Life will enable ReachOut to continue providing this vital service so that young people get the support they need to be happy and well.

Thanks for a great season!

Sadly, we’ve come to the end of another summer of swim club – Drummoyne Swimming Club’s 118th!

The season was as wet out of the pool as it was in the pool. We barely had a dry sunny day. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun and there were plenty of highlights in and out of the water.

Season highlights

Some of the highlights included:

Fantastic performances in the pool

It is hard and a little unfair to single out individuals and individual performances. So apologies to everyone else… but some performances stuck in the mind were:

  • Erica Bhatti taking home multiple trophies
  • Matt Svoboda dominating the open men’s competition
  • Yunos Yacub taking out the Fred Congdon 50m Butterfly Handicap Final
  • All the junior swimmers improving out of sight
A Bhatti Party
Yunos with the Fred Congdon Trophy

Reuniting the BBB trophy with Don Erickson winner from 1944/45

This season a long lost swimmer got back in touch with the club… Mr Don Erickson won the BBB in 1944/45. Don reached out to the club to pass on some great history. The BBB trophy took a trip to Canberra to visit Don and his lovely wife Margaret.

Don Erickson with the George Wheaton BBB trophy which eh won in 1944/45

Battle on the Bay

The afternoon of the Battle on the Bay was, thank all the god’s, a bright and sunny afternoon. The day went off without a hitch and our swimmers did themselves and our club proud. As always the relays were a highlight and our mixed 10 x 50 relay team were did an awesome job to bring home the chocolate trophy!

L-R – David Bolton, Adam Lewis, Will and Lukas Taylor, Lily Borozan, David Smith, Matthew Svoboda, Ziani and Club Captain Tadhg Donnellan. (Dough McFarlane missing from the photo – off eating a Mars Bar apparently)

Ian Thorpe’s visit

What a legend…

Raising more money for Reachout.com

After last year’s efforts to raise funds for Reachout.com with the Laps for Life Challenge, it was difficult to see that our swimmers and benefactors would dig as deep as last year. But, out community of swimmers and their supporters have done it again. We’ve raised over $13k and sit in 6th place in the Team’s Leaderboard. Duncan Lyon has almost $9k and sits proudly in the Individual fundraising stakes. Duncan has also swum 50km (well he is almost there at time writing) over the month.

Thank you

There are too many people to mention by name here but… Thank You to everyone that helped make swim club enjoyable and successful again this season by volunteering their time. From those that helped with timing, to the race officials, to the squad coaches to the committee members and everyone in between, your efforts are very much appreciated.

Upcoming Swim Club Activities

Keep an eye out for…

2 April 2022End of season cruise – contact Shellee Ossen if you want to come along.
14 April 2022Laps for Life fundraising continues…
14 May 2022Presentation night (tentative date)
June – SeptemberWinter Swim Club (subject to pool availability)

See you all again soon.

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