Club Captain Nominations

This Saturday we’ll be calling for nominations for Club Captains for the 2023/24 season. Club Captains are a fundamental part of the Club and valued by all members.

The key responsibilities of the Club Captains include:

Attendance – Regular attendance every Saturday.
Assistance – Regularly assists to help run races every Saturday morning. Arrives on time to help set up and stays to help pack up.
Role model – Acts responsibly and is a role model for all DSC Juniors.
Battle on the Bay (BOB) – Assists in all facets of BOB including organising juniors in their heats and relays. Masters of the cheerleading.

Thanks very much to Zoe Romaniuk and Matthew Svoboda who were our Club Captains for last season.

Try Before You Buy – Free 4 Week Trial!

Come and check out Drummoyne Swimming Club…

Want to try swimming this summer? But not sure if you’ll you like it?

Drummoyne Swimming Club offers new swimmers a free 4 week trial as a taster before you need to officially join up with the club.

Drummoyne Swimming Club offers an excellent whole of family summer sporting experience with:

  • Swimmers of all ages from 3 to 70+
  • Junior and Adult squads – free for members. All levels welcome
  • Handicap racing that gives everyone a chance to win a race
  • Championship races
  • Sprints and long distance events across all strokes
  • Special event trophies
  • Season best trophies
  • Come when you can – unlike team sports there is no need to turn up every week
  • Choose your events – can’t do butterfly, don’t like backstroke? No problem. You can opt out of any events you don’t want to swim
  • A relaxed and social Saturday morning
  • Social nights with club members and friends
  • Annual Carnival against other local swimming clubs

See below for more details about our regular program.

Check out our website for more information about the club including the calendar, how to join and to learn about the club’s history. Also feel free to contact one of our office bearers to have a chat or sign up to the club’s mailing list to receive our weekly newsletter.

Regular program

Our regular program is:

  • Junior Squads Tuesdays and Thursdays in Lanes 1 and 2 at Drummoyne Swimming Centre, 6:00 to 7:00 with experienced coaches (parents are welcome to swim too).
  • Adult Squads Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Lanes 1 and 2 at Drummoyne Swimming Centre, 6:00 to 7:00. Club legend Arthur defines a set for the day.
  • Saturday morning racing starting at 7:30. We start with a freestyle sprint and then a form stroke event (breaststroke, backstroke or butterfly). The final race of the morning is a distance event, alternating between freestyle and medley. Racing starts 7 October and continues through to the end of March 2024 with a break for the Christmas / New year period.

Kids who join up before the end of October get a club free tee shirt

The first 50 kids 14 and under who are registered before the end of October will receive a free club tee shirt. So if you do come along to try swim club out join up and your kids will get a tee shirt to feel part of the team!

Week 2: Backstroke and the 400M Freestyle

Last Saturday we had a great start to the season. There were a lot of impressive performances. It was lovely to see quite a few new swimmers doing time trials. There were challenges with the PA system not working. And a few regular officials were away. Despite that we managed to get through the day and have fun along the way.

This week our races are:

  • 100M Freestyle
  • 50M Backstroke
  • 400M Freestyle

For anyone who wants to look ahead, the weekly racing calendar is available here.

For our new swimmers (and to recap for old hands) the weekly racing order is

Racing Order:
1st EventShort Distance Freestyle (50M or 100M)
Where the programme shows a 100m race we also run 50M, 30M and 20M races for those who don’t want to do the 100M.
2nd EventForm Stroke (Breaststroke, Backstroke or Butterfly)
Where the programme shows a 100m race we also run 50M, 30M and 20M races for those who don’t want to do the 100M. (But who wouldn’t want to do 100M Butterfly?)
3rd EventLong Distance event (200M or 400M Freestyle or Medley)
As with the short form events, we run 4 x 30M and 4 x 20M long distance events each week as well.

Later in the season we’ll throw Championship races into the mix. With those races there are no handicaps, it’s a straight shootout to see who is fastest!

Team App

We use TeamApp to enter participants into races each Saturday. It is important that you sign yourself and your dependents in via TeamApp each week. Please try and do it by COB on Friday if you are plannning to come along on Saturday.

We’ve made some changes to the TeamApp system over winter and kids can now be set up and signed in separately from parents.

Take a look at the instructions on the website if you are uncertain about what to do. Contact Adrian or Duncan via text if you need assistance setting it up.

Note, TeamApp is just for Saturday racing. Swimmers still need to be registered with the Club through the Swim Central website.

Waterpolo Friday night competition

Any swimmers who are interested in more swimming should have a go at water polo with our sister club the Drummoyne Devils.

Drummoyne Swimming Club TeamApp weekly sign-in process

Team App

The Club uses Team App as tool for swimmers to register their details and ‘sign in’ to Saturday race meetings and provide updates and information to swimmers.

We’ve made a few changes to the system over winter so please take some time to reacquaint yourself with the system and familiarize yourself with the new features.

If you’re new to Team App or to the Club see below some key bits of information about how to get set up and use the system.

If this all seems a little daunting don’t worry, it is easy to use once you get the hang of it.

If you have any questions about this please text Adrian for assistance.

Team App is a popular application used by many local community sporting clubs. If you already use Team App for another sporting club, you can use your existing account and join ‘Drummoyne Swimming Club‘.

Important: When registering details in Team App, please enter your actual date of birth (eg. not 1/1/1992 unless you were born on New Year’s Day) and your name in proper case, to be used for age grouping, point scoring, carnivals, trophy engraving and official Club certificates:

  • Enter full first name and last name (not middle name) in correct upper/lower case,
    eg. “John Smith” (not “john smith”, “John SMITH”, “John”, “J Smith” or “John Edward Smith”)
  • If last name is two or more words then enter first name and last name separated by spaces in correct upper/lower case, eg. “Richard van Dyke”, where last name is “van Dyke”.

Parents and guardians can register details for themselves and their children or dependants. At each Saturday race meet you can separately sign in yourself (if you wish to swim) and each of your children/dependants.

Follow these steps to set up Team App on your phone or computer:

  1. Download Team App to your phone or open the Team App website on your computer
  2. Create an account in Team App.
    (If you already use Team App for another sporting club you can use your existing Team App log in and skip this step).
  3. Join ‘Drummoyne Swimming Club‘ on Team App with your details to request access.
  4. Wait for your request to join to be approved by one of our administrators (we will try to respond promptly to new requests, but please be patient if your request is outside of standard Club hours)
  5. If you have children or dependants, register each of them for a ‘free trial‘ by completing the Free Trial Registration Form with their details, including name, date of birth and gender.
    (Note that payment of Club fees is done separately here).
  6. Wait for the free trial registrations for your children or dependants to be approved by one of our administrators (we will try to respond promptly to new registrations, but please be patient if your request is outside of standard Club hours).
  7. Once your registrations have been approved, each Saturday go to the Events page in Team App to sign-in you and your children/dependants who wish to swim in races that morning.
  8. When you arrive at the pool on Saturday morning after signing in, tell our Race Technicians which Time Trials and Races you would like to enter by going up to the window in the Judges Box.

Detailed instructions

For detailed instructions on downloading and setting up Team App on your smartphone or computer, read below:

1. Download Team App

Download the free Drummoyne Swimming Club Team App app to your smartphone here.

Download Team App from App Store
Download Team App from Google Play

To access Team App from your computer, click here:

Find us on Stack Team App

2. Create an Account in Team App

If you already use Team App for another sports club, you can skip this step and log in to Team App with your existing account to join Drummoyne Swimming Club (see step 3 below).

To sign up for a new Team App account click here and choose to sign in with an email accout, Google or Facebook ID:

If using Email then enter a password and look for the Team App “Email Verification” email in your inbox and click the button in the email to verify your address.

If using Google or Facebook to sign in then follow the prompts to verify your account.

Consent to the terms and conditions of joining Team App by ticking the options and clicking the ‘Accept’ button.

Once you have created a Team App account, you can request to join Drummoyne Swimming Club.

3. Join Drummoyne Swimming Club Team App

To join the Club, first navigate to the Drummoyne Swimming Club Team App page here:

Find us on Stack Team App

Or search for “Drummoyne Swimming Club” from the Team App home page:

Click on the “+Join” button at the top of the screen:

Select the ‘Swimmers’ Access Group (even if you don’t intend to swim yourself):

If you are a parent or guardian then choose the “Parent/Guardian” role. Otherwise choose the option most suitable to your role with the Club:

Complete the registration screen, including your name (first name/last name), date of birth and gender:

4. Club Team App Access Approval

Once you have submitted your Club access request it will be reviewed and approved by one of our Team App adminstrators. We will endeavour to approve your request as soon as practical, but please be patient if your access request is submitted outside of our standard Club operating hours.

You will receive a confirmation email once access is approved. You can then sign-in for Saturday race meets and access other information on our Team App page.

You may also register any children or dependants with Team App to allow you to sign them in for Saturday race meets (refer below).

5. Register Children or Dependants for Free Trial

After your registration has been approved, you may register any children or dependants with Team App. This will allow you to ‘sign in’ your children/dependants for Saturday morning race meets.

If you are using a computer, click here to register each child or dependant for a Free Trial:

Register for Free Trial on Team App

Alternatively, select “Registration” from the Team App menu and choose the “Free Trial” registration form:

Tick the “Add New Member” checkbox and click Continue:

Enter name (first name/last name), date of birth, gender and other details for your child or dependant. Tick the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions then click the “Submit Registration” button.

Complete additional registration forms for each child or dependant.

6. Approval of Free Trial Registrations

Once you have submitted your Free Trial Registrations, they will be reviewed and approved by one of our Team App adminstrators. We will endeavour to approve your request as soon as practical, but please be patient if your access request is submitted outside of our standard Club operating hours.

Once your registrations have been approved, you can sign-in your children or dependants to Saturday race meets (refer below).

7. Sign In to Saturday Race Meets

To sign in to Saturday Race Meets, navigate to the ‘Events‘ section of the Club’s Team App page and click on the “RSVP” button for the Saturday Club Meet:

The RSVP screen will show icons for you and any of your children or dependants:

If you would like to sign-in for swimming at this race meet, click on your icon and choose “Yes” from the menu option:

Press the “Save” button to record your response:

A green tick will show against your name to indicate that you wish to be signed in:

If one of your children or dependants does not wish to be signed-in for swimming then click their icon and choose “No” from the menu options. A red cross will be put against their name to indicate that they will not be signed in for swimming in this race meet:

Continue to reply “Yes” or “No” for all of your children and dependants:

The Race Technicians will import all of the responses into the race management system at the start of the race meet.

If you wish to sign-in or sign-out you or any of your dependants once the race meet has commenced, please go the window in the Judges Box at the pool and verbally advise the Race Technicians of any changes.

8. Entering Time Trials and Races at Saturday Race Meets

To learn more about our Saturday racing format and rules, click here.

When you sign in to a Saturday morning race meet on Team App, you registering your attendance at the Club. Each week we hold three race events:

  • Sprint race (20m, 30m, 50m or 100m freestyle)
  • Form Stroke race (breaststroke, backstroke or butterfly – 20m, 30m, 50m or 100m)
  • Long Distance race (freestyle or medley, 4x20m, 4,30m, 200m or 400m)

Refer to our Calendar for details of the races held each week.

When you arrive at the Club on Saturday morning, you will need to separately advise our Race Technicians in the Judges Box which events you would like to enter for that day.

Once you’ve been at the Club for a few weeks, we will automatically enter you into events that you have swum before, unless you tell us otherwise.

In your first few weeks, before we enter you into a race against other swimmers, we first need you to complete a Time Trial in order to record the time it takes you to swim that event (stroke and distance) in our race computer. After you have completed a Time Trial for an event, at the next race meet in which we hold that event, our computer will match up you against swimmers of a similar pace and enter you into a race against those swimmers with handicapped (staggered) start times based on your current race time.

In your first few weeks at the Club you will need to verbally advise our Race Technicians in the Judges Box which Time Trial events you would like to enter. Once you have completed your Time Trial for an event we will enter you into future races for that event automatically.

Racing Starts This Week!

We have one more week… Saturday morning racing starts this coming Saturday the 7th of October!

The season calendar has now been published. The season in a nutshell:

7 October 2023Saturday Racing Season starts
7:30 start
7 – 21 October 2023Club Captain nominations and voting
11 November 2023Ladies Social Night
18 November 2023Mens Social Night
16 December 2023Last Saturday before the holiday break
20 January 2024First Saturday after the holiday break
25 March 2024Last Saturday morning races of the season

Tell your friends about our 4 week free trial

Don’t forget to tell your friends about our 4 week try before you buy free trial. If you know anyone that is interested in swimming but not sure if they want to commit without trying it out let them know they can come along to 4 weeks of swim club before they have to sign up.

Registrations are now open

The Swimming NSW membership portal on Swim Central is open, our club membership options have been set up an we are now taking registrations.

Active Kids Vouchers can be used again this summer – to the value of $50. Refer to previous posts for more information or check out the club’s website.

Try Before You Buy – Free 4 Week Trial!

Come and check out Drummoyne Swimming Club…

Want to try swimming this summer? But not sure if you’ll you like it?

Drummoyne Swimming Club offers new swimmers a free 4 week trial as a taster before you need to officially join up with the club.

Drummoyne Swimming Club offers an excellent whole of family summer sporting experience with:

  • Swimmers of all ages from 3 to 70+
  • Junior and Adult squads – free for members. All levels welcome
  • Handicap racing that gives everyone a chance to win a race
  • Championship races
  • Sprints and long distance events across all strokes
  • Special event trophies
  • Season best trophies
  • Come when you can – unlike team sports there is no need to turn up every week
  • Choose your events – can’t do butterfly, don’t like backstroke? No problem. You can opt out of any events you don’t want to swim
  • A relaxed and social Saturday morning
  • Social nights with club members and friends
  • Annual Carnival against other local swimming clubs

See below for more details about our regular program.

Check out our website for more information about the club including the calendar, how to join and to learn about the club’s history. Also feel free to contact one of our office bearers to have a chat or sign up to the club’s mailing list to receive our weekly newsletter.

Regular program

Our regular program is:

  • Junior Squads Tuesdays and Thursdays in Lanes 1 and 2 at Drummoyne Swimming Centre, 6:00 to 7:00 with experienced coaches (parents are welcome to swim too).
  • Adult Squads Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Lanes 1 and 2 at Drummoyne Swimming Centre, 6:00 to 7:00. Club legend Arthur defines a set for the day.
  • Saturday morning racing starting at 7:30. We start with a freestyle sprint and then a form stroke event (breaststroke, backstroke or butterfly). The final race of the morning is a distance event, alternating between freestyle and medley. Racing starts 7 October and continues through to the end of March 2024 with a break for the Christmas / New year period.

Kids who join up before the end of October get a club free tee shirt

The first 50 kids 14 and under who are registered before the end of October will receive a free club tee shirt. So if you do come along to try swim club out join up and your kids will get a tee shirt to feel part of the team!

Racing starts in 2 weeks!

The weather is hotting up and there are now just 2 weeks until swim club starts back up.

The first Saturday morning race meet is Saturday the 7th of October!

Squads have already started to head down so the pool and get training!

The season calendar has now been published. The season in a nutshell:

7 October 2023Saturday Racing Season starts
7:30 start
7 – 21 October 2023Club Captain nominations and voting
11 November 2023Ladies Social Night
18 November 2023Mens Social Night
16 December 2023Last Saturday before the holiday break
20 January 2024First Saturday after the holiday break
25 March 2024Last Saturday morning races of the season

Tell your friends about our 4 week free trial

Don’t forget to tell your friends about our 4 week try before you buy free trial. If you know anyone that is interested in swimming but not sure if they want to commit without trying it out let them know they can come along to 4 weeks of swim club before they have to sign up.

Registrations are now open

The Swimming NSW membership portal on Swim Central is open, our club membership options have been set up an we are now taking registrations.

Active Kids Vouchers can be used again this summer – to the value of $50. Refer to previous posts for more information or check out the club’s website.

Registrations Are Open!

Free club tee shirt for juniors who register before 31 October

Season 2023/24 memberships are now available to purchase via the Swim Central portal.

Since last summer there have been changes to the ACTIVE KIDS voucher (dropping from $100 to $50) and increases to Swimming Australia / Swimming NSW fees. So in response we’ve made a few tweaks to our membership structure and fees, namely:

  • We’ve added a junior club swimmer category with a reduced fee to offset the impact of the reduction in the ACTIVE KIDS voucher, and
  • Increased fees on a couple of fee categories to help cover the club’s costs.

Our new Membership Categories and Fees are as follows:

Member CategoryStandard FeeFamily Concession Fee
Club Swimmers*$11015% discount
Club Swimmers 10 years and under at 31/10/2023*$8515% discount
Second Claim Members$8015% discount
Squad Members$8015% discount
State Competition Swimmers$13015% discount
Non-swimmers (Spectator/Supporter)$3515% discount
Life membersnilnil

* Unless you are planning to swim competitively for Drummoyne at Swimming NSW sanctioned events the Club Swimmer category is likely to be the one for you.

Instructions on using the Swim Central portal, read here:

How To Register With Swim Central – Swimming Australia Online Support Portal

ACTIVE KIDS vouchers can be redeemed when registering your child.  

More information is available on the club’s Fees and Registration page.

Free Tee Shirt

The club is offering a free tee shirt – thanks to sponsorship monies provided by Inspirations Paint on Lyons Road – for the first 50 juniors who register by 31 October 2023. So, register now to make sure your kids don’t miss out.

Got questions or need help?

If you have any questions about membership categories or how to use Swim Central please reach out to our Registrar Dave Smith via

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