George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap)

The results of the final for the George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap held on 19th January 2013 were as follows:

ID Name Position
646 Jack CORBETT 2
706 Molly EASON DNS
736 Jarrah RONAN 3
743 Lucy EGELTON 1
713 Christian TAYLOR 4

Winner: Lucy Egelton

George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap)

The result of the final for the George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap held on 28 January 2012 was as follows:

ID Name Position
708 Bronte MARSHALL 3
928 Alicia BATES 2
640 Daniel CORBETT 1
639 William TAYLOR 4

Winner: Daniel Corbett

George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap)

The results of the George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap held on 29 January 2011 were as follows:

ID Name Adjusted Finish Time
634 Hamish MURPHY 442.38
713 Christian TAYLOR 374.46
592 Lauren LYON 454.50
736 Jarrah RONAN 452.37
639 William TAYLOR 337.29
928 Alica BATES 474.10
168 Dominic ULLIO DNS

Winner: Hamish MURPHY

George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap)

The result of the Final of the George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap held on 13th February 2010 was as follows:

Member Race Number Name Adjusted Time
663 Joel DiMento 440
DNS Phil Hayward DNS
744 Ruby McFarlane 363
202 Evan Christodoulou 346
633 Georgia McFarlane 333
DNS Luke Hayward DNS

Winner: Evan Christodoulou

George Russell 400m Freestyle (Handicap)

The results for the Final of the George Russell 400m Freestyle Handicap held on 31 January 2009 were as follows:

Member Race Number Name Best Time
1090 Daniel Corbett 476
768 Michael Long 434
349 Adam Christodoulou 409
829 Stephen Flannery 366
1007 Jarrod Smith 356
202 Evan Christodoulou 344

Winner: Daniel Corbett

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