Reminder: our past members morning tea is coming up soon…

Open invitation to all past members of Drummoyne Swimming Club…

Reminder that we’re having a morning tea for past members at our final swim meet of the year.

All past swimmers are invited to please join us for a morning tea on Saturday the 27th of March 2021.

We would be especially pleased to welcome any Life Members who can make it along for the event.

We’ll supply the tea, coffee and croissants and you supply the stories of past glories!

Don’t forget to bring your togs and have a swim if you wish!

Please return all trophies for engraving!

As the season draws to a close we are turning our attention to the Presentation Night. Barring a major COVID-19 outbreak we are planning to have the Presentation Night on Saturday the 29th of May at the Concord Bowling Club.

More details about the event will follow in coming weeks.

One of the first things we need to do in preparation for the Presentation Night is to get all the trophies off to be engraved, courtesy of our Gold Sponsor Veeva Property Group.

So, if you have a trophy at home please bring it back to the club room this weekend.

Thanks a million!

Week 20: The Fred Congdon 50m Butterfly Handicap Final and Medley Championship!

One of the great joys of swim club is watching your kids do really well. It seems that joy never leaves you… after a COVID enforced delay Jenny and Kelvin Hale made the trip down from Queensland to visit Nathan, Dannii and the boys. Nathan dug deep to show off for his folks and won his freestyle race in style. Jenny was proud as punch running along the side of the pool and shouting encouragement.

Proud Mum Jenny and Dad Kelvin with Nathan after his win on Saturday morning.

This week…

This week we have:

  • Championship 4x50m Medley with 4x30m Medleys for the Under 9’s and 8’s
  • 50m Freestyle
  • 50m Butterfly including the finals of the Fred Congdon 50m Butterfly Handicap race

Fred Congdon 50m Butterfly Handicap Final

The finalists for this week’s Fred Congdon 50m Butterfly Handicap as shown below. Duncan Lyon’s consistent efforts at Monday, Wednesday and Friday squads have paid off. Well done Duncan. The Svoboda family is well represented and is having a very prominent season. Leni Wilson is fighting for the young kids. Good luck to you all!

1585Leni WILSON
619Duncan LYON
1114Kate SVOBODA
1402Cooper HANSEN
1191Matthew SVOBODA

Warwick Waller having a good time at swim club!

Don’t forget the past members morning tea…

Calling all past swimmers to please join us for a morning tea at our final meet of the season on Saturday the 27th of March 2021.

DSC Leads the Laps for Life SNSW Club Leader board!

One third of the way through the month, Drummoyne Swimming Club is the top fundraising swimming club in NSW!

The good news is we’ve still got two thirds of the month to go. So, if you haven’t already done so, get on board and donate to one of the swimmers who is already participating or jump in yourself, join the DSC team and raise some funds for a great cause.

Prizes will be on offer to the Swimming NSW club that fundraises the most money overall and to the club that fundraises the most money on a per participant average during this challenge. 

Up for grabs are:

  • a visit* from the legendary Olympian Ian Thorpe AM
  • and a chance to work with our preferred videographers Fish Out Of Water Media to create a professional quality club video (valued at $2000).

The individual swimmer who fundraises the most money will have the opportunity to train at our Olympic Park Performance Hub! This priceless experience includes learning from Head Coach Adam Kable, access to first class facilities and experts, and training alongside Olympian Wes Roberts and Australian Dolphins Matt Wilson, Brad Woodward and Meg Bailey!

At the moment, Noah Hale is sitting in 2nd spot on the SNSW club swimmer leader board. So, if you are thinking about donating to someone you might want to donate to Noah and give him a shot at training with Olympians!

Our top fund raisers so far are:

All monies raised in the Laps for Life Swimathon are being donated to ReachOut Australia.

Clean Up Australia Day a Sparkling Success!

Drummoyne Swimming Club members past and present were on hand last Sunday to pick up trash around the pool and in Sisters Bay.

The local group was organised by John Towns, long time club swimmer, committee member and club historian. John is pictured above with Club Captain Rose Tunstall, Duncan Lyon our indefatigable Race Secretary and Life Member James Simmons. James Simmons ably recruited current swimmers and led the charge on the day.

Thanks to John and James for organising the activities and to everyone else who came along.

Cooper Hansen with his Clean Up Australia Certificate of Appreciation. Cooper managed to maintain clean white shoes throughout the morning despite getting down and dirty in Sisters Bay.
Gavin Tanner and Hannah Svoboda with their treasure. Gavin’s impressive mixed glove combination allowed him to display the full suite of club colours on the day.

Week 19: The 100m Breaststroke Championship and more points up for grabs!

It’s hard to believe we’ve arrived in March. After this week we have just 3 weeks of summer racing to go. How sad…

This week’s races are:

  • 100m Breaststroke Championship,
  • 100m Freestyle inclusive of Week 5 races for the U/10 Molly Wark and Les Henry trophies, and
  • 400m Freestyle

The big questions are will Adam Lewis suit up for the breaststroke championship and is he still up for the full 100m?

Adam Lewis gliding in to the wall.

Winter Swimming

A couple of weeks back Oscar Hale kindly conducted a survey asking swimmers if they would be interested in doing some winter swim club races over the colder months.

Thanks Oscar for doing this.

Some 75% of the respondents to the survey (and we’re assuming Oscar didn’t complete all the responses himself) indicated they would like to do winter swimming. Accordingly, we’ll plan some meets over the winter months and let you know more details as we work them out.

Bring Back your Trophies please

It’s time to bring back your trophies. We need back to give them a polish and get them off to Ambassador Trophies for engraving.

Don’t forget that our trophies are kindly sponsored by Veeva Property Group on Lyons Road Drummoyne. If you are thinking of buying, selling, renting or undertaking a project give Gladys a call. She will be able to help you out.

Photo of the week

This photo is here just because it’s awesome!

DSC setting a cracking fundraising pace in Laps for Life!

The Drummoyne Swimming Club is off to a flying start in the Laps for Life charitable swimathon.

We originally set a team target of $500. We broke through that barrier before the event even started, reset to $2,000 and then $2,500. At the time of writing this post, we have raised an extraordinary $2,769. And it is still only the 3rd of March…

Our efforts are largely due to a smallish number of early starters. There is still heaps of time for others to join and raise even more funds for a great cause.

To do so you can sign up here.

1 in 4 young people in Australia is currently experiencing a mental health difficulty. But there’s an even bigger problem: 70% of those who need help don’t get it. And, suicide remains the leading cause of death of young people in Australia. In 2019, 461 young people in Australia died by suicide.

After friends and family, the internet is the first place young people turn to for information and support. That’s where ReachOut Australia comes in.

ReachOut is there – 24/7 – for whatever life throws at them. With tools, tips, advice for everything from dealing with exam stress to understanding how to get help for an issue that’s worrying them, ReachOut provides practical tools designed just for their needs, even when they don’t know what they’re looking for.

ReachOut helps young people get well, be well and stay well, provides connection and shared stories through peer support, and builds confidence to seek professional help, if needed.

And, even more than that, ReachOut helps the people young people turn to for support by providing information, peer support, one-on-one telephone support for parents and carers, and resources for schools and educators.

Last year, ReachOut provided support to more than 3.6 million people.

For every $48 raised, 12 young people will be able to access support on through self-help information, apps, tools, and the peer-support forum.

Reminder: Past Member’s Morning Tea 27 March 2021

Open invitation to all past members of Drummoyne Swimming Club…

Drummoyne Swimming Club has a long and successful history, made richer by the people who have swum with the Club over the years. We appreciate that many members move on once their kids grow up or they prefer fitness training over early morning races. But we also know that members retain fond memories and friendships from their time at Swim Club. Maintaining a connection with our past is an important part of continuing the traditions and strengths of the club.

So, on behalf our the current crop of swimmers I would like to extend an invitation to all past swimmers to please join us for a morning tea at our final meet of the season on Saturday the 27th of March 2021.

We would be especially pleased to welcome any Life Members who can make it along for the event.

We’ll supply the tea, coffee and croissants and you supply the stories of past glories!

Don’t forget to bring your togs and have a swim if you wish!

Lynette Brown and the Chook – surely someone must have an explanation for this?

Thank you for supporting Food Bank!

Annual Charity Raffle

While hot chocolate may have sold better than ice blocks, people threw their support behind a great cause last Saturday purchasing raffle tickets and Zooper Doopers to support the charity Food Bank. In total an amazing $397.45 was raised. Thank you to everybody who supported the cause.

Food Bank is the largest hunger relief charity in Australia, providing food and groceries to front line charities that feed vulnerable Australians.

To find out more about the amazing work Food Bank does visit

Reminder: Clean Up Australia – this Sunday at Drummoyne Pool!

We remind you all to step-up to clean-up Drummoyne Pool and its surrounds on Sunday 7 March 2021 as part of the Clean Up Australia day.

Former Club Treasurer and Club Historian has registered “Friends of Drummoyne Pool” as a community group for clean-up day.

If anyone is interested and able, meet at the western end of the pool car park at 10am on Sunday 7 March 2021. Bring hat, gloves, water, sturdy plastic bags and shoes suitable for rocks and bush around Sisters Bay – the area next to the pool.

For further information about participating in this day, please contact Phil Hayward or James Simmons.

About Clean Up Australia

Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment.

What was started thirty years ago, by an “average Australian bloke” who had a simple idea to make a difference in his own backyard has now become the nation’s largest community-based environmental event.

Of course, Australia’s waste challenges can’t be solved in just one day, so over the past three decades, Clean Up Australia has evolved into an organisation that works with community, government and businesses to provide practical solutions to help us all live more sustainably every day of the year.

Today our focus is as much on preventing rubbish entering our environment as it is removing what has already accumulated.

It is hard to believe that this initiative began as the inspiration of one man, Ian Kiernan. An avid sailor, Ian was shocked and disgusted by the pollution and rubbish that he continually encountered in the oceans of the world. Taking matters into his own hands, Ian organised a community event with the support of a committee of friends, including co-founder Kim McKay AO.

This simple idea ignited an enthusiasm and desire among the local community to get involved and make a difference. And surely if a capital city could be mobilised into action, then so could the whole nation! And so it was that Clean Up Australia Day was born in 1990.

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